Users' questions

What is the actual quote Luke I am your father?

What is the actual quote Luke I am your father?

The truth? He says, “No, I am your father.” “Why, hello, Luke Skywalker, it is I—the Darth Vader. Though I understand that you currently believe me to be your father’s murderer, I am afraid there has been, to be frank, more than a bit of a mixup.

Where does Luke I am your father come from?

“Luke, I am your father,” is probably one of the most famous lines in film. Too bad Darth Vader never said it. The Guardian lists the top 10 movie misquotes: “Luke, I am your father,” from The Empire Strikes Back .

Who is Luke Skywalkers mom?

Padmé Amidala
Luke Skywalker/Mother
Padmé Amidala (portrayed by Natalie Portman) is the secret wife of Anakin Skywalker, the mother of Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa, the daughter-in-law of Shmi Skywalker, the mother-in-law of Han Solo, and the maternal grandmother of Ben Solo. She served as Queen of Naboo, and later as a Senator for her planet.

What is Darth Vader’s most famous line?

Star Wars: The Most Powerful Darth Vader Quotes

  1. 1 “If You Will Not Turn To The Dark Side, Then Perhaps She Will!”
  2. 2 “You Are Unwise To Lower Your Defenses!”
  3. 3 “The Emperor Will Show You The True Nature Of The Force.
  4. 4 “You Don’t Know The Power Of The Dark Side!”
  5. 5 “The Emperor Is Not As Forgiving As I Am.”

Who is Darth Vader son?

Luke Skywalker
Princess Leia
Darth Vader/Children

Did Luke and Leia have a kid?

Han Solo marries Princess Leia and they have three children: twins named Jacen and Jaina, and a younger son named Anakin. Luke reestablishes the Jedi Order, marries a non-movie (but fan favorite) redheaded Force-wielder named Mara Jade, and they have a son, Ben Skywalker (named in honor of Obi-Wan “Ben” Kenobi).

Did Luke know about Padme?

A new Star Wars canon novel may finally explain the confusion. This has always been a non-issue to me. She remembers her mom, aka her adopted mom Breha Organa, doesn’t yet know who Padme was, and Luke doesn’t know that Leia is not talking about his mom. End of story, no issues.

Is Darth Vader a virgin?

Darth Vader himself wasn’t conceived from sexual intercourse at all. Anakin’s mother Shmi Skywalker tells Qui-Gon Jinn in The Phantom Menace that “there was no father,” and that wasn’t just a diss on an absentee daddy.

What were Darth Vader’s last words?

Just for once… let me… look on you with my own eyes.” Darth Vader’s last words before his unmasking, in reference to his death. “You already have, Luke. You were right.

Who was the original Luke I am your father?

The person who invented “Luke, I am your father,” was one of a pair of comedians who were on the show who did not become a superstar. He kept working in the business, he has 123 IMDB acting credits and seems to still be at it, but he never was a household name, despite coining one of the most famous misquotations of the late 20th century.

Why did Darth Vader say Luke, I am your father?

Many remember Darth Vader’s famous line as “Luke, I am your father”. In reality, he says ” No, I am your father”. Since Darth Vader was already talking to Luke, it would not make much sense for him to say Luke’s name.

What did Obi-Wan tell Luke about his father?

Obi-Wan never told you what happened to your father. Luke Skywalker: He told me enough! He told me you killed him! Darth Vader: No. I am your father.

What does no, I am your father mean in Star Wars?

MMDE: Luke, I am your father. Current: No, I am your father. Star Wars is actually subject to a few Mass Memory Discrepancy Effects. The one discussed here concerns the famous line Darth Vader uses in Episode V when he tells Luke he is his father.