
What does PTRS 41 stand for?

What does PTRS 41 stand for?

The PTRD-41 (Shortened from Russian, ProtivoTankovoye Ruzhyo Degtyaryova; Противотанковое однозарядное ружьё системы Дегтярёва образца 1941 года; “Degtyaryov Single Shot Anti-Tank Weapon System Model of 1941”) was an anti-tank rifle produced and used from early 1941 by the Soviet Red Army during World War II.

How much does a PTRS 41 cost?

Image Lot Price
Zoom Zoom Zoom Zoom Zoom Zoom 1010 $5,750.00

Who made the PTRS 41?

Sergei Gavrilovich Simonov

What does PTRS stand for gun?


Acronym Definition
PTRS Protivo Tankovoe Ruhze Sistemy Simonova (Soviet anti-tank rifle)
PTRS Project Technical Requirements Specification
PTRS Plain Text Request to Send
PTRS Portable Telemetry Receiving System

Was the PTRS 41 effective?

Muzzle velocity 1,114 m/s (3,655 ft/s)
Effective range 300 m (on personnel targets, dispersion of bullets on 300 meters 0,36 m)
Maximum range 1,000 m (mostly with scope)
Feed system Single shot, no magazine

Is the PTRS 41 still in service?

The semi-automatic anti-tank rifle was used extensively on the Eastern Front in World War II. PTRS-41 rifles are still in use by Donbas militiamen in Ukraine, during the Donbas war, due to their ability to penetrate APC armour.

What is the most powerful anti-tank rifle?

Used by the Germans in WWII, the Pak 40 makes other anti-tank guns look like toys. It can fire 10 shots per minute, and the force of one shot can blast through half a foot of steal. Watch as host Paul Shull fires one in the empty desert.

What is the most powerful anti tank rifle?

Can a bullet penetrate a tank?

SILVER BULLET made from depleted uranium can pierce even the heaviest armor. Uranium shells burn away at the edges upon impact¿a “self-sharpening” that helps them bore into armor. Used as ammunition, it penetrates the thick steel encasing enemy tanks; used as armor, it protects troops against attack.

Did any Tiger tanks survive?

Today, only seven Tiger I tanks survive in museums and private collections worldwide. As of 2021, Tiger 131 (captured during the North Africa Campaign) at the UK’s Tank Museum is the only example restored to running order.

Who was the inventor of the PTRS 41 rifle?

PTRS-41 during World War II. Along with his partner Vasily Degtyaryov, Sergei Gavrilovich Simonov helped the Soviet Union develop new weapons between the First and Second World War. During this time, Degtyaryov went on to create the PTRD-41 while Simonov created and designed its cousin rifle, the PTRS-41 in 1938.

Where was the PTRS 41 used in the Korean War?

The AT gun was used again by Communist-backed forces in the Korean War and Chinese Civil War. PTRS-41 rifles are still in use by Donbass militiamen in Ukraine, during the Donbass War, due to their ability to penetrate APC armor. The ammunition used is actual World War II vintage.

Where do you find the PTRS 41 in Call of Duty?

For the similarily named weapon, see PPSh-41. The PTRS-41 is a gas-operated, anti-tank rifle used by the Soviet Armed Forces during World War II. It appears in Call of Duty as a mounted weapon and in Call of Duty: World at War and Call of Duty: WWII as a portable sniper rifle . The PTRS-41 appears in the level ” Pavlov’s House “.

Where was the PTRS used in World War 2?

The semi-automatic anti-tank rifle was used extensively on the Eastern Front in World War II. It was used successfully by Hero of the Soviet Union Sergeant Yakov Pavlov during the Battle of Stalingrad when the NCO led the defence of Pavlov’s House in the city. After he mounted rifles on the building’s roof.