What are the rules and regulations about the use of ammonium nitrate in India?
What are the rules and regulations about the use of ammonium nitrate in India?
In India, The Ammonium Nitrate Rules, 2012, under The Explosives Act, 1884, define ammonium nitrate as the “compound with formula NH4NO3 including any mixture or compound having more than 45 per cent ammonium nitrate by weight including emulsions, suspensions, melts or gels but excluding emulsion or slurry explosives …
How much ammonium nitrate are you allowed to store?
1910.109(i)(7)(i) Not more than 2,500 tons (2270 tonnes) of bagged ammonium nitrate shall be stored in a building or structure not equipped with an automatic sprinkler system.
Where is ammonium nitrate stored in India?
As the blast shook the world, storage facilities with high amounts of ammonium nitrate in stock became a key concern of the authorities in India as well. In Andhra Pradesh’s Visakhapatnam, Shravan Shipping Services Pvt currently has 18,500 metric tons of ammonium nitrate in store.
How ammonium nitrate can be stored?
Ammonium nitrate should normally be stored in single storey, dedicated, well-ventilated buildings that are constructed from materials that will not burn, such as concrete, bricks or steel. Clean the store before it is used for ammonium nitrate.
Is ammonium a nitrate?
Ammonium nitrate is a crystal-like white solid which is made in large industrial quantities. Its biggest use is as a source of nitrogen for fertiliser, but it is also used to create explosives for mining.
Can stored ammonium nitrate explode?
Compared to most combustible materials, ammonium nitrate itself is not exceptionally explosive. But the compound can contribute to explosions because it belongs to a chemical class known as oxidizers.
Can ammonium nitrate explode in fire?
When such a large quantity of compacted ammonium nitrate is exposed to intense heat — if, say, an accidental fire breaks out — it can trigger an explosion. The shock wave following a such a blast can be deadly.
Why is ammonium nitrate stored in Beirut?
The chemical is widely used around the world, as a fertiliser or for explosives in mining. But there are strict regulations about where it can be kept and for how long. And its location is often kept secret because of its potential for making bombs.
How many tons of ammonium nitrate are there in Chennai?
700 tonnes
Chennai Port has stored over 700 tonnes of ammonium nitrate — chemical behind Beirut blast.
What are the dangers of ammonium nitrate?
When swallowed in high concentrations, ammonium nitrate may cause headache, dizziness, abdominal pain, vomiting, bloody diarrhea, weakness, a tingling sensation, heart and circulation irregularities, convulsions, collapse, and suffocation. Ammonium nitrate forms a mild acid when mixed with water.
Is ammonium nitrate an explosive?
Although ammonium nitrate is an important fertilizer because of its high nitrogen content, its explosive hazards limits its application, and it has even been banned in some areas.
What triggers ammonium nitrate to explode?
Over time, the compound absorbs moisture, which can make the beads stick together into a huge rock, says Sella. When such a large quantity of compacted ammonium nitrate is exposed to intense heat — if, say, an accidental fire breaks out — it can trigger an explosion.
Is it illegal to store ammonium nitrate in India?
Storage of ammonium nitrate in large quantities in populated areas is illegal in India. For the manufacture of ammonium nitrate, an Industrial licence is required under the Industrial Development and Regulation Act, 1951. It prescribe how hazardous and industrial chemicals ought to be stored.
What are the safety and security guidelines for ammonium nitrate?
SAFETY AND SECURITY GUIDELINES FOR AMMONIUM NITRATE 1.0 SCOPE AND PURPOSE 1.1 This Guideline covers a single hazardous material – Technical Grade Ammonium Nitrate (TGAN), except where otherwise noted. 1.1.1 TGAN is a US Department of Transportation (DOT) Class 5 Oxidizer, Division 5.1, UN1942, PG III material.
When do the Ammonium Nitrate Rules come into force?
– (1) These rules may be called the Ammonium Nitrate Rules, 2012. (2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. Definitions. – In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires;- (a) “Act” means the Explosives Act, 1884 (4 of 1884);
What was the cause of ammonium nitrate blast in India?
The blast was triggered by huge amount of ammonium nitrate that had been stored by authorities near the port.