Useful tips

What is a Guera?

What is a Guera?

guera (with the two dots over the u) means blonde or a person of fair skin.

What does Pichea mean?

forget about that
pichea. “forget about that”, Disregard.

What does WEDO mean?

Wedo’ was explained to me by my co-workers as ‘white skin guy’ and now, years later, I have determined that the proper spelling for it is güero with the dictionary definition being ‘blonde’ but used informally as ‘whitey’.

What is Guerro English?

Often used as a term of endearment, or an informal way of saying “whitey” in Spanish. Unlike gringo, which generally refers to Americans, güero is used generally to refer to a lighter-skinned person, including the whites born in Mexico.

What is a female Mexican called?

mexicana for mexican woman. La jovencita/muchachita/ etc.

How do you say girl in Spanish slang?

1. niña or nena: This is the most generic for “girl” and it can be use for a baby and teenagers.

What does Bobo mean in Puerto Rico?

Word forms: bobo, boba. adjective. (= tonto) silly ⧫ stupid. (= ingenuo) simple ⧫ naïve.

What does Papi mean in Spanish slang?

Papi is a colloquial term for “daddy” in Spanish, but in many Spanish-speaking cultures, particularly in the Caribbean, it is often used as a general term of affection for any man, whether it’s a relative, friend, or lover. The English “baby,” used as a term of endearment for spouses and children alike, is similar.

How do you say Girl in Spanish slang?

Is Guero a bad word?

Güero refers to any person with fair hair and skin. There is no political connotation to the term güero, and Mexicans will even refer to fair-haired compatriots as güeros.

Is gabacho derogatory?

Gabacho (Spanish pronunciation: [ɡaˈβatʃo]; feminine, gabacha) is a word used in the Spanish language to describe foreigners of different origins in previous history. Its origin is in Peninsular Spain, as a derogatory synonym of “French”.

What does Chilango mean in Spanish?

The most common explanation was that Mexico City residents are called chilangos because of their fondness for chili peppers. Another was that the word derived from a vulgar Spanish word that means to rape or to conquer. One man said chilango was Mayan for a wise person.