
How do I get rid of fruit flies in my potted plants?

How do I get rid of fruit flies in my potted plants?

Using apple cider vinegar mixed with fruit juice or beer, pour your liquid solution to about 1/4” from the bottom in a plastic cup. (Other kinds of vinegar or alcohol will work too.) Then add a drop of liquid dish soap and stir.

How do I get rid of little flies in my plants?

Mix four parts water with one part hydrogen peroxide and soak your soil with the solution. Neem oil can also be diluted with water and applied to the soil to kill larvae. You can also use neem oil as a spray to kill adult flies on contact.

What kind of flies live in fruit plants?

As the name implies, fruit flies prefer to live near fruit while fungus gnats enjoy living in your succulent collection. Fungus gnats love damp conditions, especially if there is decaying plant matter nearby. If you consistently experience problems with fungus gnats, you might need to reevaluate your watering habits and plant hygiene.

How to get rid of fruit flies in indoor plant soil?

Commonly hovering over rotting vegetables and fermenting fruits, fruit flies may sometimes occupy indoor plant soils, if decaying plant matter is in close proximity to the rotting fruit and vegetables. Step 1 Discard old plant bulbs, decaying plant matter and the affected indoor soil. Throw away any nearby overripe fruits or vegetables.

Where do fruit flies and fungus gnats come from?

Where do they come from? Most commonly, they come in the soil of a newly purchased plant, in a bag of potting mix, or from an open window or plant that was brought in from outside. Fruit flies and fungus gnats feed on rotting organic debris in potting soil, so they’re a common problem for plant lovers.

Why are fruit flies breeding in plant dirt?

How to Get Rid of Fruit Flies Breeding in Plant Dirt. These pests feed on the decaying organic matter and fungi in potting soil, although they do not cause any damage to plants. Fruit flies depend upon rotting organic debris to complete their life cycles, which is why you may also find them in the kitchen as they zero in on overripe fruits.