
Are buses running from Hyderabad to Andhra?

Are buses running from Hyderabad to Andhra?

More than 3 buses are running between Hyderabad to Puttur(andhra Pradesh). You can book the bus ticket according to the timetable on the website.

When buses will start in AP to TS?

In November 2020, the APSRTC and TSRTC had entered into an agreement allowing operation of the state buses in each other’s territory.

Are buses available tomorrow in Telangana?

Telangana State Road Transport Corporation (TSRTC) has been accorded permission to operate the buses across all the districts in the state except to the containment zones. Minister for Transport Puvvada Ajay said that the TSRTC will operate the buses from tomorrow with 50 per cent passenger seats.

Will buses run in Telangana?

HYDERABAD: With the lockdown fully lifted in Telangana, the Telangana State Road Transport Corporation (TSRTC) announced that it would resume inter-State bus services to Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Maharashtra from Monday, while strictly adhering to Covid-19 restrictions in the neighbouring States.

Are buses running in Hyderabad in lockdown?

Hyderabad: With a 20-hour lockdown imposed in the State, the Telangana State Road Transport Corporation (TSRTC) has decided to operate buses from 6 am to 10 am in the city and also in districts. The authorities have asked the citizens to use the buses in emergency situations.

Are buses running in Hyderabad?

The state government has lifted the Covid-19 lockdown from 21st June completely. All public transport services including TSRTC buses will be allowed to operate in the state.

At what time city buses starts in Hyderabad?

Hyderabad City Bus Timings The bus service is provided since early in 5 AM to 11PM in almost all the routes. There are few exceptions also to this, such as in few routes they run buses round the clock. Here Hyderabad city bus route guide is also available.

What time do city buses start running in Hyderabad?

The bus service is provided since early in 5 AM to 11PM in almost all the routes. There are few exceptions also to this, such as in few routes they run buses round the clock.