
Is Mona alive in Season 5?

Is Mona alive in Season 5?

Mona Vanderwaal has been many things on Pretty Little Liars: First, she was Hanna’s nerdy best friend. Then, she was Original “A.” And most recently, she was dead. That is, until she reappeared in the season 5 finale, only to reveal that she wasn’t murdered. Instead, she was kidnapped and put in Charles’ dollhouse.

Is Mona still alive in season 6?

Season 6. In “Game On, Charles,” Mona is locked outside of the dollhouse along with the other Liars as a punishment for trying to escape. Mona returns to Rosewood in “She’s No Angel” and is nervous of what Alison will do to her after learning that she staged her death and framed her for it.

How does Mona fake her death?

The character has blonde hair that may or may not be a wig and appears to be brutal as the Vanderwaal household is in shambles and blood stains are left all over the place, though it is later revealed that Mona splattered blood on the walls in an attempt to fake her death.

Is Mr Fitz A in pretty little liars?

My favorite moment of the series so far was when it looked as though Ezra Fitz, Aria’s beloved and one-time English teacher, was A. At the time, it turned out that he wasn’t A (although he had been surveilling the group since way before he started teaching them at Rosewood High, which is more than a little…

Does Mona get murdered in PLL?

Due to the amount of blood spread over her home, the police concluded that her wounds were fatal. Her death was then ruled a homicide and an investigation was launched. Mona helps unmask A When The Liars were kidnapped by A and taken to A’s Dollhouse, they discovered that Mona was alive.

Why did Mona hit Bethany?

In perhaps the show’s most complex murder, Mona hit Bethany — who snuck out of Radley Sanitarium to seek revenge on Jessica because of her affair with her father — in the head with a shovel, believing she was actually Alison. (In other words, Mona wanted to kill Alison.)

Did Mona know CeCe was a?

Did Mona know Cece was a? Because she knew Cece was A and was hearing the whole conversation they had! Mona deals with A for disappear, just like she did with Alison, that could be a clue as well, in the fact that Cece was so close with Alison!

Who stole Ali’s body PLL?

Spencer comes downstairs and tells them she can’t find Emily anywhere. Emily is in front of Alison’s grave. Mona is in the grave, taking her body.

Does Ezra cheat on Aria?

Aria was the first Liar to receive a message from “A.” Aria has cheated on every boyfriend she’s had. When she was dating Noel, she cheated on him by making out with Ezra. When she was dating Ezra, she kisses Jason and she kisses Wesley, his brother.

Is the Mona from Pretty Little Liars still alive?

On the season 5 finale of Pretty Little Liars, we discover that Mona is not dead. She is actually alive. Hannah, Spencer, Aria and Emily are abducted and put into A’s “dollhouse.” They then find Mona wearing a blonde wig, wearing a mask and playing a piano.

Who is Mona Vanderwaal in Pretty Little Liars?

Dying before I find out who you are, bitch! Mona Vanderwaal is a main character in the television series Pretty Little Liars and its spin-off, Pretty Little Liars: The Perfectionists on Freeform. She is portrayed by Janel Parrish .

Who is still alive from Pretty Little Liars season 5?

On the season 5 finale of Pretty Little Liars, we discover that Mona is not dead. She is actually alive. Hannah, Spencer, Aria and Emily are abducted and put into A’s “dollhouse.”

How did Mona get released from Radley in Pretty Little Liars?

Janel Parrish revealed in an interview that she did not know she was “A” until a week before they started filming for the finale, but she was always hoping that she was “A.” Mona was released from Radley in “She’s Better Now” which might have been the title’s reference to Mona being “better now”.