Users' questions

What ship should I get in elite dangerous?

What ship should I get in elite dangerous?

Elite Dangerous: 10 Best Ships For Exploration, Ranked

  1. 1 Anaconda. Hands down, the best ship in the game for exploring is the Anaconda.
  2. 2 Asp Explorer. The Asp Explorer was built with exploration in mind.
  3. 3 Diamondback Explorer.
  4. 4 Python.
  5. 5 Orca.
  6. 6 Krait Phantom.
  7. 7 Krait Mk II.
  8. 8 Federal Assault Ship.

Which ship should I buy first elite dangerous?

The Cobra III is the best early game multi-role ship. It can be yours for just 350k credits. But once you have it, you’ll want to A rate it ($5m) — buying better modules such as A rated thrusters (to move faster) and an A rated frame shift drive (to jump further through space).

What should a beginner do in elite dangerous?

10 Pro Tips For Starting Elite Dangerous In 2021

  • 3 Become A Taxi.
  • 4 Trading Is The Best Way To Earn Money Quickly.
  • 5 Remove Upgrades Before Selling Old Spaceships.
  • 6 Find A Group.
  • 7 Take Notes Along The Way.
  • 8 Learn To Dock Properly.
  • 9 Practice Before Jumping Into Multiplayer.
  • 10 Don’t Skip The Tutorials.

What is the most expensive ship in elite dangerous?

Imperial Cutter
2 Imperial Cutter – 208,969,451 CR That and it’s literally the most expensive ship in the game.

How do I make money in Elite Dangerous 2020?

Set a course of Robigo Mines again and head off. Land at Robigo Mines and turn in the missions: Pretty simple here. Just land at Robigo Mines and turn in your missions. You’ll get a lot of credits for your paltry amount of work.

How do you target modules elite?

To get to a ship’s module, once they are targeted, the ‘slow’ way is to go left UI panel and then tab across to sub-targets. Then scroll up / down to the sub-system you want. It is possible to set up a hot key to allow you to cycle through sub systems on a targeted ship if you are so inclined.

Which is the best ship to use in Elite Dangerous?

A successful mining trip in Elite Dangerous is all about the ship you use. Here’s a guide to the best ships in the game.

What does the starter guide for Elite Dangerous do?

Commanders helm their very own ship and engage in simulation style gameplay as they interact with star ports, star systems and other commanders. This Starter Guide will help new players get to grips with the complex mechanics featured in Elite: Dangerous and offer a short written tutorial on a player’s initial several hours with the game.

What kind of space game is Elite Dangerous?

Elite: Dangerous is an open world space MMO game dedicated to realistic travel, trading and combat in an expansive milky way. Commanders helm their very own ship and engage in simulation style gameplay as they interact with star ports, star systems and other commanders.

Can you join other holograms in Elite Dangerous?

People can join other ships as a hologram with multicrew. Nearly all ships and stations are standard fitted with the GalNet system for market information, galactic news and communication. All ships available to players are presented below. Some ships require attaining a specific rank with the Federal or Imperial navies before they can be purchased.