
When do you evaluate short stature?

When do you evaluate short stature?

A basic evaluation consisting of a bone age determination is appropriate for children with short stature, normal growth rate (eg, height velocity [HV] at least 5 cm/year between four and six years of age and at least 4 cm/year between six years and puberty), and no other symptoms.

How is familial short stature diagnosed?


  1. Bone age (X-ray of the non-dominant hand and wrist); compared with age-specific standards.
  2. Hemogram, hemoglobin electrophoresis (for suspected thalassemia)
  3. Serum albumin (nutritional status)
  4. Thyroid function tests (hypothyroidism)
  5. IGF1, IGFBP3, and GH stimulation tests (GH deficiency, insensitivity)

How is stunted growth diagnosed?

Stunting is the impaired growth and development that children experience from poor nutrition, repeated infection, and inadequate psychosocial stimulation. Children are defined as stunted if their height-for-age is more than two standard deviations below the WHO Child Growth Standards median.

How is idiopathic short stature diagnosed?

How is ISS Diagnosed. ISS is normally diagnosed by a Pediatric Endocrinologist after a full investigation of the medical history, a complete physical examination, and the exclusion of any chronic medical condition or hormonal abnormality.

What’s the most common cause of short stature?

The two most common causes of short stature are familial (genetic) short stature and constitutional delay of growth and puberty (CDGP), which are normal variants of growth. These growth patterns often can be distinguished from one another, but some children have features of both (table 1).

What can cause short stature?

Many disorders can cause short stature, including achondroplasia, hormone deficiency, delayed puberty, Cushing’s disease, malnutrition, malabsorption disorders, such as celiac disease, and others. A child must be examined by a health care provider if short stature is suspected or present.

What is the most common cause of short stature?

The most common causes of short stature beyond the first year or two of life are familial (genetic) short stature and delayed (constitutional) growth, which are normal, nonpathologic variants of growth.

What conditions cause short stature?

Do Late Bloomers grow taller?

You mentioned that your height has not changed much in the last few years. On the other hand, teens who are “late bloomers” can have minimal height changes until they have a larger growth spurt around the time of their relatively late puberty.

What is the treatment for idiopathic short stature?

Children with Idiopathic Short Stature do not attain a normal adult height. The improvement of adult height with treatment with recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH), at doses of 0.16 to 0.28 mg/kg/week is modest, usually less that 4 cm, and they remain short as adults.

Is there a treatment for short stature?

What are the treatment options for short stature? Treatment for short stature depends on the cause. Thyroid hormone replacement can be used to treat hypothyroidism. Growth hormone injections can treat GHD and a few other conditions, including Turner syndrome and chronic kidney failure.

What causes short stature in Turner syndrome?

The protein product of the SHOX gene plays a role in the growth and maturation of the skeleton. Researchers believe that the loss of one SHOX gene on the altered X chromosome is the main cause of short stature in females with Turner syndrome.

What is the prognosis of short stature?

The prognosis for persons with normal variant short stature is excellent. For children with growth hormone deficiency, treatment with growth hormone replacement therapy typically results in a height consistent with the child’s genetic potential, so long as therapy begins five years before the onset of puberty.

What are the differential diagnoses for short stature?

The differential diagnosis is broad and includes both pathologic causes of short stature and nonpathologic causes. The purpose of genetic evaluation for short stature is to provide accurate diagnosis for medical management and to provide prognosis and recurrence risk counseling for the patient and family.

Which conditions are associated with short stature?

Conditions that can underlie short stature include: undernutrition, due to a disease or lack of nutrients hypothyroidism, leading to a lack of growth hormone a tumor in the pituitary gland diseases of the lungs, heart, kidneys, liver, or gastrointestinal tract conditions that affect the production of collagen and other proteins

Is short stature a problem?

Short stature may occasionally be a sign that a child does have a serious health problem, but there are usually clear symptoms suggesting something is not right. Chronic medical conditions affecting nearly any major organ, including heart disease, asthma, celiac disease, inflammatory bowel disease, kidney disease, anemia, and bone disorders