Users' questions

How much do UNC system employees make?

How much do UNC system employees make?

How much does The University of North Carolina System pay? The average The University of North Carolina System salary ranges from approximately $31,278 per year for a Graduate Teaching Assistant to $229,461 per year for a Professor.

What is UNC system employee?

With more than 48,000 employees, the UNC System is one of North Carolina’s largest employers. Human Resources provides shared services, informed guidance, and policy governance that help make our institutions and affiliates safe, equitable, and rewarding places to work.

How much do UNC professors make?

Professor in Chapel Hill, NC Salaries

Job Title Location Salary
The University of North Carolina System Professor salaries – 8 salaries reported Chapel Hill, NC $195,988/yr
UNC School of Medicine Professor salaries – 1 salaries reported Chapel Hill, NC $189,115/yr

Are salaries public record in NC?

Why do we publish this data? Employee salaries are public and we believe that publishing salaries benefits both the public by providing easily accessible salary information and the employing institutions by minimizing public personnel information requests.

Are UNC employees state employees?

Are UNC Health Care employees state employees? Yes, UNC Health Care employees are state employees.

Are government employees salaries public record?

What information about Federal employees is public information? Under open government laws specified in 5 U.S.C. § 552, the names, titles, and salaries of all civilian government employees are considered public information.

What GPA do you need to get into UNC?

With a GPA of 4.39, UNC requires you to be at the top of your class. You’ll need nearly straight A’s in all your classes to compete with other applicants. You should also have taken plenty of AP or IB classes to show your ability to excel in academic challenge.

Is it hard to get into University of North Carolina?

Admissions Overview UNC admissions is very selective with an acceptance rate of 23%. Students that get into UNC have an average SAT score between 1310-1500 or an average ACT score of 28-33. The regular admissions application deadline for UNC is January 15.

How much does a Professor with a PhD make?

Salaries of PhD professors can range from $50,000 to around $150,000, according to PayScale.

How much do state employees make in NC?

North Carolina State Employees

Year Employer Annual Wages
2017 North Carolina State University $391,524.93
2018 North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University $388,447.34
2018 North Carolina State University $387,262.19
2019 North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services $386,962.69

Do UNC employees get a pension?

UNC-Chapel Hill offers multiple retirement programs to suit your needs. Read more about the plans and systems offered below. Newly hired/newly eligible employees have 60 calendar days to make a retirement choice/election between the two mandatory retirement plans.

Where can I find salary information for UNC?

Welcome to the UNC Salary Information Database. What information is provided in the database? This database contains the names, position titles and salaries of permanent employees of the University, as furnished by UNC System Office and the constituent institutions of The University of North Carolina.

When is salary increase effective at UNC human resources?

All actions are effective on the Monday following the receipt of all required approvals. If final approvals occur on a Monday, the action can be effective that day. Retroactive salary increases are not allowed, unless mandated by a legislative action. What are the Qualifying Reasons for a Salary Increase?

What do you need to know about UNC data dashboard?

The UNC Data Dashboard is an interactive, online database that gives students, parents, policymakers, and taxpayers expanded access to detailed system data on selected core measures. Explore enrollment trends across the UNC system; learn more about who our students are and where they come from.

What does the UNC student data mart do?

UNC Student Data Mart presents student, course, instructor and related data for the UNC System. UNC HR Data Mart provides summary data for UNC campuses and System Office. Finance Data Mart provides financial data from each of the institutions including the System Office.