
Where does last name Maldonado come from?

Where does last name Maldonado come from?

Maldonado Name Meaning nickname for an ugly or stupid person, from Spanish mal donado ‘ill-favored’. The phrase is a compound of mal ‘badly’ + donado ‘given’, ‘endowed’, past participle of donare ‘to give’, ‘to bestow’. habitational name from Maldonado, a village in the province of Albacete.

What is the ethnicity of the name Maldonado?

Maldonado is a Spanish surname.

Is Maldonado a Puerto Rican last name?

Forebears includes surname distribution data from many additional countries, and it identifies Maldonado as most prevalent in Mexico and most common in Puerto Rico, where it ranks 23rd in the nation.

Is Maldonado an Italian last name?

The Maldonado surname is derived from the Spanish “mal donado,” meaning ‘ill-favored,” and was no doubt originally a nickname that was adopted as a surname.

What are Italian last names?

According to the site Italianames [1], the following are the most common surnames in Italy:

  • Rossi.
  • Russo.
  • Ferrari.
  • Esposito.
  • Bianchi.
  • Romano.
  • Colombo.
  • Ricci.

What are some Mexican last names?

List of the most common surnames in Mexico:

  • Hernández – 5,526,929.
  • García – 4,129,360.
  • Martínez – 3,886,887.
  • González – 3,188,693.
  • López – 3,148,024.
  • Rodríguez – 2,744,179.
  • Pérez – 2,746,468.
  • Sánchez – 2,234,625.

What’s the most common last name in Italy?


Top 10 Italian Surnames
Most Requested Most Common in Italy
1. Rossi 6. Russo 6. Romano
2. Berlusconi 7. Colombo 7. Colombo
3. Ferrari 8. Brambilla 8. Ricci

What is the most common last name in Italy?

According to this ranking, the surname “Rossi” is most common in Italy, counting around 90,000 people.

What are cute Mexican girl names?

Closer to home, these are the most popular baby girl names in Mexico.

  • Guadalupe.
  • Juana.
  • Margarita.
  • Josefina.
  • Verónica.
  • Leticia.
  • Rosa.
  • Francisca.

Is there such a thing as a Maldonado family crest?

Contrary to what you may hear, there is no such thing as a Maldonado family crest or coat of arms for the Maldonado surname. Coats of arms are granted to individuals, not families, and may rightfully be used only by the uninterrupted male line descendants of the person to whom the coat of arms was originally granted.

Where does the phrase Maldonado come from in Spanish?

The phrase is a compound of mal ‘badly’ + donado ‘given’, ‘endowed’, past participle of donare ‘to give’, ‘to bestow’. habitational name from Maldonado, a village in the province of Albacete. Where is the Maldonado family from? You can see how Maldonado families moved over time by selecting different census years.

When did the Maldonado family come to America?

Maldonado Settlers in United States in the 16th Century. Francisco Maldonado Dorado del Hierro, who journeyed to America in 1523. Andrés Maldonado, who sailed to America in 1528. Gonzalo Maldonado, who sailed to Peru in 1534.

How many immigration records are there for Maldonado?

There are 35,000 immigration records available for the last name Maldonado. Passenger lists are your ticket to knowing when your ancestors arrived in the USA, and how they made the journey – from the ship name to ports of arrival and departure.