
What is my ping euw?

What is my ping euw?

For example, to ping the League of Legends servers, open command prompt (go to Run and type cmd.exe) and run a ping command to the corresponding server you want to check: For NA, type: ping 104.160. 131.3 -t. For EUW, type: ping 104.160.

What is good ping for LOL?

An acceptable ping is around the 40ms-60ms mark or lower. A speed of over 100ms shows a noticeable delay and over 170 some games will reject your connection entirely. If you have, say a 10ms ping (0.01 seconds), your gameplay will seem faster and smoother than playing with 100ms, for example.

What is EU West LOL?

If you’re a European you’ll belong to one of those in the coming weeks. But not both. EU West will contain Ireland, the UK, France, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, Austria and Italy.

Where are the EU LOL servers?

Riot Games Servers

Server Name Abbreviation Location
Europe Nordic & East EUNE (EUN1) Frankfurt, Germany
Europe West EUW (EUW1) Amsterdam, Netherlands
Latin America North LAN (LA1) Miami, FL, United States
Latin America South LAS (LA2) Santiago, Chile

Why is my LOL ping so high?

Outdated Patch: Like all other games, League of Legends also experiences issues in its mechanism or game files which forces the game to have high latency or ping. Outdated Device Drivers: Another possibility why you might experience high latency or ping is where you have bad drivers installed on your computer.

Does VPN reduce ping?

Does a gaming VPN lower ping? Since all VPNs route your internet traffic through a remote proxy server, a VPN is unlikely to lower ping times or reduce lag times.

Is 0 ping possible?

Achieving the lowest ping possible is ideal for using the internet. As such, a zero ping is the perfect scenario. This means that our computer was communicating instantly with a remote server. Unfortunately, due to the laws of physics, data packets take time to travel.

Is 2ms ping good?

A fast ping means a more responsive connection, especially in applications where timing is everything (like video games). Ping is measured in milliseconds (ms). Anything under 20ms is generally considered to be very good. 2ms is about as low as you’re going to get.

Is Sweden a EUNE?

The 26 countries comprising the EUNE are the following: Iceland, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Sweden, Estonia, Lithuana, Latvia, Belarus, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine, Slovenia, Hungary, Moldova, Romania, Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Kosovo, Macedonia, Albania, and Greece.

Is League of Legends dying?

The active community in League of Legends currently has about 30 million players playing the game daily. Even after more than a decade, this goes to show that League of Legends isn’t dying, but rather, being reborn again thanks to the number of people preferring to stay in their homes.

What is the hardest server in League of Legends?


  • Ionia (Chinese Server which Dopa commonly plays on)
  • EUW.
  • Garena.
  • NA.
  • Can you have 0 ping?

    Achieving the lowest ping possible is ideal for using the internet. As such, a zero ping is the perfect scenario. This means that our computer was communicating instantly with a remote server.

    How does Ping work in League of Legends?

    It shows your minimum, average, and maximum latency stats for each LoL server and their status. In addition to that, it also enables you to compare the ping results. If you want to ping an individual LoL server you can deselect all, and select the one you want and ping it. Ping requests are sent through HTTP.

    What is the IP address for League of Legends?

    Server: IP Address: Status: Indicator: North America (NA) Online. Europe (EUW)

    Are there any Chinese servers in League of Legends?

    Never try Chinese server, or you will end up with a rage quit like us. When it comes to the EU server, there are actually two EU servers: West EU and East EU, and their abbreviations are EUW server and EUNU.

    What to do if you cant connect to a LOL server?

    If you’re unable to connect to LoL servers, the software can verify that on your behalf. LoL Checker has every option you’ll ever need. It helps you with obtaining the server IP Address:es, checking server status, and comparing them.