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What are Class A Class B and Class C IP addresses?

What are Class A Class B and Class C IP addresses?

IP address classes

Class Leading bits End address
Class A 0
Class B 10
Class C 110
Class D (multicast) 1110

What is a Class C IP address?

A Class C address consists of a 24-bit network address and an 8-bit local host address. The first three bits in the network address indicate the network class, leaving 21 bits for the actual network address. In other words, the first octet of a Class C address is in the range 192 to 223.

What is the IP range of Class B?

Designing Your IP Addressing Scheme

Class Range Network Address
A 0-127 xxx
B 128-191 xxx . xxx
C 192-223 xxx . xxx . xxx

What is a Class A IP address?

Class A IP addresses are used for huge networks, like those deployed by Internet Service Providers (ISPs). Class A IP addresses support up to 16 million hosts (hosts are devices that connect to a network (computers, servers, switches, routers, printers…etc.)

What is the first octet range for a Class B IP address?

Its first octet is 10, which is between 1 and 126, inclusive. Class B networks use a default subnet mask of 255.255. 0.0 and have 128-191 as their first octet.

What is a Class C subnet?

A class C network would have a subnet mask of 255.255. 255.0 which means that 24 bits are used for the network. In CIDR notation this is designated by a /24 following the IP address.

Why is Class C used?

“Class C” IPv4 addresses are used for small-sized networks. First three octets of a “Class C” network IP address is used to identify the “Network part” and the remaining one octet is used to identify a host uniquely within that network.

How do I know if my IP is Class AB or C?

How to identify the IP class from a given IP address?

  1. If it begins with 0, then it’s a Class A network.
  2. If it begins with 10, then it’s a Class B network.
  3. If it begins with 110, then it’s a Class C network.
  4. If it begins with 1110, then it’s a Class D network.
  5. If it begins with 1111, then it’s a Class E network.

What is a 192.168 IP address?

The IP address 192.168. 0.1 is one of 17.9 million private addresses, and it’s used as the default router IP address for certain routers, including some models from Cisco, D-Link, LevelOne, Linksys, and many others.

What class is a 192.168 IP address?

Class C
Class B: 172.16. 0.0 to 172.31. 255.255. Class C: 192.168.

How many subnets are in Class A?

This mask provides you with only four subnet bits, or 16 subnets (14 if you’re not using subnet zero) with 1,048,574 hosts each. The valid subnets are 256-240=16, 32, 48, 64, 80, etc., all the way to 224.

How many address are in Class A?

Table 2-1 IP Addresses Available to Internet Hosts

Address Class First Octet Range Number of Possible Networks
Class A 0 to 126 127 (2 are reserved)
Class B 128 to 191 16,384
Class C 192 to 223 2,097,152

What is Class A network IP range?

Class A IP addresses, where the 1 st bit is 0, encompass the range of to This class is for large networks and has 8 bits for network and 24 bits for hosts.

What is an example of a Class C IP address?

An example of a Class C IP address is where “200.168.212” identifies the network and “226” identifies the host on that network.

What is Class B in networking?

A Class B network was a network in which all addresses had the two most-significant bits set to 1 and 0 respectively. For these networks, the network address was given by the next 14 bits of the address, thus leaving 16 bits for numbering host on the network for a total of 65 536 addresses per network.

What is a Class A private IP range?

The Private Class A range provides for up to 16,777,214 hosts on one network. In practice, most organizations that use the Class A range of addresses usually subnet this range of addresses into smaller sets of hosts called subnetworks (or just ‘subnets’ for short).