What does stand to mean in the Army?
What does stand to mean in the Army?
stand-to (plural stands-to or stand-tos) (military) A state of readiness assumed by ground troops at dawn and dusk in wartime.
What is the meaning of stand at ease?
1. In a relaxed position, especially standing silently at rest with the right foot stationary: put the soldiers at ease while waiting for inspection. 2. Used as a command for troops to assume a relaxed position.
What does stand at mean?
(stand at something) to reach a particular level, amount etc. The total amount of money raised so far stands at over £3,000. Synonyms and related words. To reach a particular amount, point, or state.
What is the military definition of stand down?
(Entry 1 of 2) : a relaxation of status of a military unit or force from an alert or operational posture.
What does it mean to stand at ease in the military?
You may be given the order to stand at “parade rest” before you are given the command to stand at ease. Parade rest is an uncommon stance that is a combination of attention and at ease, although some branches of the military don’t use it.
When do you have to stand at attention in the military?
Attention is the base stance for all stationary movement in the military. You will never be told to stand at ease without being told to stand at attention first. When an officer enters the room, you will hear the command, “Attention.”
What’s the correct way to stand up in the Army?
Follow your commanding officer’s order to come to attention. Stand up straight, keep your chin level, and bring your heels together at a 45-degree angle with your arms at your sides. When shifting to the position “at ease,” relax your knees, move your left foot to the side, and interlock your fingers behind your back.
What does stand easy mean in English Dictionary?
He could have added that a nation, too, could stand easy. Do feel free to stand easy, or even stand down. Those flying a desk – or a drone – can stand easy.