
Is Dolores a good name?

Is Dolores a good name?

Dolores is one of the many titles given to the Virgin Mary — Nuestra Señora de los Dolores, or Our Lady of the Sorrows, and was one of the Spanish names that really caught on in this country — at one point in time, in 1930, Dolores was the 13th most popular girls’ name in the US.

Is Dolores a biblical name?

Dolores is baby girl name mainly popular in Christian religion and its main origin is Spanish. Dolores name meanings is Sorrows.

What is the name Dolores short for?

It is a short form of the Spanish name Dolores, meaning “sorrows”, taken from one of the titles of the Virgin Mary: Nuestra Señora de los Dolores, or Our Lady of Sorrows. Lola is also a short form of the unrelated German name Aloisia.

What does Deloris mean?

d(e)-lo-ris. Origin:Spanish. Popularity:11480. Meaning:sorrows.

Is Dolly short for Dolores?

Dolly is a diminutive for the English personal names Dorothy and Dolores.

What does Dolores mean in Irish?

Meaning: Means ‘sorrowful’. Made famous by Irish singer Dolores O’Riordain.

How do you spell Deloris?

Correct spelling for the English word “Delores” is [dɪlˈɔːz], [dɪlˈɔːz], [d_ɪ_l_ˈɔː_z] (IPA phonetic alphabet).

What names mean gift from God?

Gracious Baby Names That Mean Gift From God

  • Adiel. Meaning: Hebrew for God sent.
  • Anana. Meaning: Greek for “Given by God”
  • Corbon. Meaning: Hebrew for “Offered from God”
  • Donato. Meaning: Italian for “Gift from God”
  • Dorek. Meaning: Polish for “God’s Gift.
  • Elsi. Meaning: Greek for “God’s satisfaction sent to earth”
  • Gaddiel.
  • Hanniel.

What is Molly short for name?

MDMA, short for 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine, is most commonly known as Ecstasy or Molly. It is a laboratory-made drug that produces a “high” similar to the stimulants called amphetamines.

What does the name Dolores mean?

The name Dolores is of Spanish origin . The meaning of Dolores is “sorrows”. Dolores is generally used as a girl’s name.

Is Dolores a female name or a male name?

The name Dolores is a girl’s name of Spanish origin meaning “lady of sorrows”. Though it’s related to the Virgin Mary, this name was once perceived as the height of exotic sensuality, a role since taken over by nicknames Lola and Lolita.

What does name “Delores” mean?

Delores ▼ as a girls’ name is pronounced da-LOR-ess. It is of Spanish and Latin origin, and the meaning of Delores is “sorrows”. Variant of Dolores. STARTS WITH De-.

What does the name Dole mean?

The original Gaelic form of the name Dole is O Dubhghaill, derived from the words dubh, which means black, and ghall, which means foreigner, or “dubhgall,” which meant “dark and tall.”.