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What does water symbolize in dreams?

What does water symbolize in dreams?

Water in a dream may symbolize emotions that run deep, or perhaps (if the water is muddy) feelings that are confused and unclear. Water may be cleansing and healing, or water could swallow you up and threaten to drown you much like an overwhelming emotion such as anger or pain (via Everyday Health).

What do shallow water means?

Definition of Shallow water: Water of such depth that surface waves are noticeably affected by bottom topography. Typically, this implies a water depth equivalent to less than half the wavelength..

What does it mean when you dream of shallow water?

A dream featuring shallow water can symbolize lack of vital energy or superficial emotions, so perhaps you are being passive, feeling lethargic or putting on a front in some area of your waking life.

What does the flow of water in a dream mean?

The motion of water can signify the flow of the way things are moving in your life. Water is used for energy in a number of ways in real life and it can also symbolize energy in our dreams. Often times the flow of water in our dreams is a metaphor for the flow of energy and emotions.

What does it mean when you dream of sailing in the ocean?

Sailing in rough waters means that luck will not be on your side, and falling into water means that you are in great danger. However, sailing on calm waters is considered a sign of good luck. Dreaming of just seeing water in a dream is considered an omen that a baby will be born in a short period of time.

What does fetching water in a dream mean?

The spiritual meaning of ocean, river, lake can represent good or bad meanings. However, the biblical meaning portend a number of good symbols to Christian believers. In fact, in my recent studies about the mystery of water, I came with the understand that fetching water in the dream symbolizes hopes, revival and healing.