
How much does Facebook pay their interns?

How much does Facebook pay their interns?

Facebook interns earn $8,000 a month — more than any other company’s paid interns — according to a new report by Glassdoor, a site where employees anonymously review their companies and report their salaries.

Do Facebook interns get full time offers?

It’s no secret that the Facebook Internship program is incredibly prestigious. It pays double what other internships do and it’s 10x as hard to get into. Securing a full-time offer after that is a whole different story! The competitive nature of this program is evident around every corner.

Who is eligible for facebook university?

Requirements. Current first year (Class of 2025) or second year (Class of 2024) college student studying at a four-year university (or equivalent program for special cases) in the U.S.

Do Facebook interns get housing?

All interns are offered a housing location for the duration of the internship. Almost all of the interns choose to live in the corporate houses, which are situated in various Bay Area cities like Sunnyvale, Mountain View, Menlo Park, Redwood City, and Foster City.

Do Apple interns get paid?

The Salary… Liken to internships offered at other big tech companies such as Google or Microsoft, Apple pays a competitive salary, ranging from $22–59 per hour based on position. However, most former Apple interns have stated that they made $38 per hour, averaging out to $6,700 per month.

What is a good salary for an intern?

How Much Do Intern Jobs Pay per Hour?

Annual Salary Hourly Wage
Top Earners $53,500 $26
75th Percentile $35,500 $17
Average $31,255 $15
25th Percentile $23,000 $11

What internships pay the most?

Top 10 Highest-Paying Internships for 2021:

  • LinkedIn. Median Monthly Pay: $8,009.
  • Amazon. Median Monthly Pay: $7,954.
  • Salesforce. Median Monthly Pay: $7,710.
  • Capital One. Median Monthly Pay: $7,530.
  • Microsoft. Median Monthly Pay: $7,366.
  • Uber. Median Monthly Pay: $7,353.
  • Google. Median Monthly Pay: $7,129.
  • ExxonMobil.

Are Facebook internships in person?

Interning at Facebook Facebook is based in Menlo Park, California and this is where most interns work, but there are Facebook offices located all over the US and around the globe.

What it’s like to intern at Facebook?

Think cool projects, cushy wages, and an emphasis on empowerment. Facebook treats its interns like regular employees, so even though they’re living together dorm-style in free apartments and taking the occasional coordinated trip down the coast to Santa Cruz or Yosemite on the company’s dime, they’re working their …

Is Facebook University a freshman?

If you’ve felt even the slightest inkling of interest in Computer Science, you should apply to the Facebook University (FBU) internship, an all-freshmen program Facebook began offering the summer of 2013. So what’s so great about Facebook?

Does Facebook hire international students?

Facebook has stopped hiring International Students with J1 Visa for Internships? Heard from a friend that Facebook has stopped hiring International Students (Non North-American Citizens) with J1 Visa for internships.