
How do I change my Facebook page to a fan page?

How do I change my Facebook page to a fan page?

You can convert your Profile to a Page in minutes

  1. Log into the Facebook profile you need to convert, and then go to Facebook’s conversion landing page.
  2. Click “Get Started” and follow the instructions.
  3. Review your selections and click Create Page.

What is the difference between a Facebook page and a Facebook fan page?

All Facebook business pages are fan pages, but fan pages include pages for non-business entities as well as some individuals, too. Fan pages have the name because Facebook individual profile users can choose to be fans of the pages, meaning the users will view updates to the fan pages in their feeds.

Can you create a fan page on Facebook?

Navigate to Facebook using your favorite method and sign in to your existing account. The most direct way to begin to build a fan page is from the blue control bar at the top of a Facebook page. On this bar, next to the Home button choose to Create. You will get a drop-down menu listing several options for your page.

How do I use Facebook fan page?

How to Set Up a Facebook Fan Page

  1. Go to Facebook.
  2. Choose your page category; for a blog fan page, click the Product or Brand icon.
  3. Choose Website from the drop-down list.
  4. Type your blog name into the Brand or Product text field.
  5. Select the I Agree to Facebook Pages Terms check box, and then click the Get Started button.

Should I convert my FB profile to a page?

If you use a personal profile to represent a business and don’t convert it into a Facebook Page instead, you could permanently lose access to your account. Even if you’re comfortable with the layout of your profile, a Facebook Page is definitely the better tool for your organization.

How do I merge my personal page and fan page on Facebook?

To merge your Pages:

  1. Go to facebook.com/pages/merge.
  2. Select 2 Pages you want to merge and click Continue.
  3. Click Request Merge.

What is a fans only page on Facebook?

A fan page is the only way for entities like businesses, organizations, celebrities, and political figures to represent themselves on Facebook. Unlike a personal Facebook profile, fan pages are visible to everybody on the Internet.

How do I make a Facebook page for fun?

Click the “Category” text box, type in just for fun , and click Just for Fun in the resulting drop-down menu. Click Continue. This button is in the lower-right side of the page.

What is the purpose of FB page?

A Facebook Page is a public Facebook account that can be used by brands, organizations, artists and public figures. Businesses use Pages to share contact information, post updates, share content, promote events and releases, and — perhaps most importantly — connect with their Facebook audiences.

What happens if I merge Facebook pages?

If your Pages can be merged, your Page followers and check-ins from profiles will be combined. Groups linked to the Page you merge will be migrated to the Page you want to keep. The Page you want to keep will remain unchanged, except for the addition of people who follow the other Page.

Can I have 2 Facebook accounts?

Most people have just one Facebook accounts. In fact, Facebook doesn’t like it when you have two accounts, it prefers people to keep just one account. The company actually offers two Facebook apps — no, we are not talking about the Messenger app — that you can use to log into two different Facebook accounts.

How do you create a fan page on Facebook?

Selecting the proper category will allow your brand to reach the right audience. For example, if you need a fan page for your website or blog, select “Brand or Product” and select “websites” from the drop-down menu. Next, add your brand name. This is not a vanity URL, but you can add a custom URL from your fan page later.

Is it possible to change the URL of a Facebook fan page?

If you’ve linked to your Facebook Fan Page from other social accounts, you’ll need to update those too. You may have saved a Pin on Pinterest with a link to your Facebook Business Page – you can change the URL on the Pin (but it won’t populate to repins). And if you have an Instagram account, you might have dropped a link there.

Is there a way to delete a fan page on Facebook?

This wikiHow teaches you how to delete a Facebook business, fan, or theme page that you own. You can delete Facebook pages both on a computer and in the Facebook mobile app for iPhone and Android. If you’re trying to delete your Facebook account and profile page, please see Permanently Delete a Facebook Account instead. Open Facebook.

Can you add another user to your Facebook fan page?

You can “Like” other Facebook pages, and comment using your Facebook fan page name. You can not add another user to your Facebook profile, but from a branding point of view, you can effectively use this feature to make your reach wider.