Users' questions

Is the Aishiteruze Baby anime a good anime?

Is the Aishiteruze Baby anime a good anime?

Both anime were heart-warming, touching and lovely anime. Cuteness, pureness and innocentness of children will totally lighten your spirits. KiyoneSaya says… Each deal with guys that never thought they would have to fill the role of parent for a young girl that has been put in life changing predicament.

Who are the main characters in Aishiteruze Baby?

Both anime are about a male who has to take care of a girl. In each, the girl is roughly the same age. The main difference lies in the leading male characters — in Aishiteruze Baby, the leading character is a high schooler playboy. In Usagi Drop, the main character is a 30 year-old salesman in a department store.

How old is aishiteru ze baby in real life?

Older than a baby but younger than 13 when they should have the adolescence tag. This character has grey-coloured eyes. Of a color intermediate between black and white, as of ashes or an overcast sky. Refers to hair that is this color. Modern humans are the only extant members of the subtribe Hominina.

What’s the difference between Usagi Drop and Aishiteruze Baby?

The main difference lies in the leading male characters — in Aishiteruze Baby, the leading character is a high schooler playboy. In Usagi Drop, the main character is a 30 year-old salesman in a department store. Aishiteruze Baby focuses more on romance (not loli romance, there is another female there)…

How many volumes are there of Aishiteruze Baby?

Aishiteruze Baby (愛してるぜ ベイベ★★ Aishiteruze Beibe★★, also known as I Love You, Baby) is a shōjo romance manga by Yoko Maki. It was serialized by Shueisha in Ribon from April 2002 and January 2005 and collected in seven bound volumes. It was adapted as a 26-episode anime television series produced by TMS Entertainment…

The series is about a teenage boy, Kippei, who becomes the caretaker of his 5-year-old cousin, Yuzuyu, after her mother abandons her. Both the manga and anime have been praised for successfully mixing serious issues with a light-hearted tone.

What happens to Kippei in Aishiteruze Baby?

His life is turned upside down when one day his aunt abandons his five-year-old cousin Yuzuyu at his house. Kippei is assigned the task of taking care of Yuzuyu for the time being, and he must learn how to become the “mother” she needs.