What is the difference between the lysocline and the CCD calcite compensation depth?
What is the difference between the lysocline and the CCD calcite compensation depth?
In order to describe those processes, the lysocline is defined as the depth up to which CaCO3 in sediments is subject to very little dissolution while below the Calcite Compensation Depth (CCD) nearly all the calcite is lost from present in the sediment is lost by dissolution.
Where is the lysocline?
The lysocline is the upper bound of the transition zone, where amounts of CaCO3 content begins to noticeably drop from the mid-depth 85-95% sediment. The CaCO3 content drops to 10% concentration at the lower bound, known as the calcite compensation depth.
What is the carbonate compensation depth CCD and how does it affect deep sea sedimentation?
Carbonate Compensation Depth, abbreviated as CCD, refers to the specific depth of the ocean at which calcium carbonate minerals dissolve in the water quicker than they can accumulate. The bottom of the sea is covered with fine-grained sediment made of several different ingredients.
What is the significance of the carbonate compensation depth CCD?
The position of the CCD is important to the global carbon cycle because it determines how much inorganic carbon is stored in deep ocean sediments. The amount of CO2 in the atmosphere also is interdependent with ocean productivity and the saturation state of seawater.
How is the lysocline related to the CCD?
The lysocline is the depth in the ocean dependent upon the calcite compensation depth (CCD), usually around 3.5 km, below which the rate of dissolution of calcite increases dramatically because of a pressure effect. While the lysocline is the upper bound of this transition zone of calcite saturation, the CCD is the lower bound of this zone.
Is the lysocline the same as the carbonate compensation depth?
Below this, there exists a depth known as the carbonate compensation depth (CCD) below which the rate of supply of calcite equals the rate of dissolution, such that no calcite is deposited. This depth is the equivalent of a marine snow-line, and averages about 4,500 meters below sea level. Hence, the lysocline and CCD are not equivalent.
What’s the difference between CCDBG and CCDF?
What’s the difference between CCDBG and CCDF? The Child Care and Development Block Grant Act (CCDBG) is a law that authorizes the Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) program, which is administered by states, territories and tribes.
How does the child care and Development Block Grant Act ( CCDF ) work?
The Child Care and Development Block Grant Act (CCDBG) is a law that authorizes the Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) program. CCDF is administered by states, territories and tribes and outlines how federal funds will be used to provide financial assistance to low-income families to access child care.