
How much is a Lionel train worth?

How much is a Lionel train worth?

Pre-war Lionel trains can sell anywhere from twenty dollars to several thousand dollars, depending on the rarity of the piece and its condition (among other factors).

What is the most expensive Lionel train?

When it comes to the most expensive model train that’s ever been sold, it has to be the Lionel Standard Gauge Set from 1934 – a Mint-in-the-Box train set with a 400E Engine & State Passenger Cars that sold for around $250,000 at auction.

What is the most popular Lionel train?

Lionel O gauge and O-27 gauge trains are our most popular. We also sell S gauge American Flyer trains, which are slightly smaller, and G (garden) gauge trains, which are slightly bigger. When shopping for a train or train set, be sure to choose products that are designed to work together.

When did the Lionel Hudson 2055 locomotive come out?

The Lionel Hudson Type 4-6-4-Locomotive No. 2055 introduced in 1953 and would continue to be available until 1955. Based on a Santa Fe prototype, this engine was equipped with Magnetraction, smoke, drive rod connecting rod valve gear, and there was a whistle in the tender. This locomotive is identical to the No. 685 except for the number change.

Is the Lionel train 2065 a Santa Fe?

Based on a Santa Fe prototype, this engine was equipped with Magnetraction, smoke, drive rod connecting rod valve gear, and there was a whistle in the tender. This locomotive is identical to the No. 685 except for the number change. It shares the same boiler casting with the O gauge No. 665 and the O27 Gauge No. 2065.

How much does a Lionel train set sell for?

At auction, Lionel train sets, pieces, and accessories can sell for a few hundred dollars or for a few thousand dollars, depending on the rarity and condition of the piece. Lionel collectors tend to have a lifelong passion for model railroading.

When did the Lionel O gauge train come out?

Lionel O gauge trains were introduced in 1915, the size that eventually became Lionel’s most popular product. Lionel model trains experienced wide popularity throughout the 1920s, but business declined sharply during the Great Depression.