
Why is ammonium nitrate an oxidizer?

Why is ammonium nitrate an oxidizer?

But ammonium nitrate has a potentially lethal downside: The compound is considered an oxidizer, meaning at an atomic level, it removes electrons from other substances in a chemical reaction. The explosive force occurs when solid ammonium nitrate decomposes very rapidly into two gases, nitrous oxide and water vapor.

Can ammonium nitrate spontaneously explode?

At high enough temperatures, however, ammonium nitrate can violently decompose on its own. This process creates gases including nitrogen oxides and water vapour. It is this rapid release of gases that causes an explosion. It’s relatively difficult for a fire to trigger an ammonium nitrate explosion.

Is ammonium nitrate an explosive?

Although ammonium nitrate is an important fertilizer because of its high nitrogen content, its explosive hazards limits its application, and it has even been banned in some areas.

Do fireworks use ammonium nitrate?

Ammonium Nitrate Uses and Sources Ammonium nitrate is a chemical compound used in agriculture as a fertilizer, to make pyrotechnics, as an ingredient in cold packs, and for science demonstrations. It’s also used to create controlled explosions in mining and quarrying.

What do you need to know about ammonium nitrate?

All chemical explosives require a fuel and an oxidizer. Ammonium nitrate provides both, intimately associated in each molecule. Kauffman said, in principle, ammonium nitrate should be highly explosive by itself, but it is not.

What kind of chemicals are used in pyrotechnics?

Pyrotechnic Chemical list. It is used in the preparation of this chemical, or, it can be made from Ammonium Nitrate and Dicyanodiamide. To be of any value, it should be 95% pure. Guanidine Nitrate is not explosive itself, but is used in the manufacture of explosives. It is a white powder which melts at 210 degrees.

Where can I buy ammonium nitrate for explosives?

Ammonium nitrate is available in granular form at farm supply shops all over the world. According to Oxley and other explosives experts, all that is needed is to mix the fertilizer with oil (any petroleum-based oil will do) and to ignite the material with a small amount of dynamite or a large blasting cap, both of which are readily available in…

What do farmers use to make ammonium nitrate?

Kauffman said farmers would take some fertilizer, mix it with a little kerosene (“even old used motor oil will do”), put it under the stump with a quarter-stick of dynamite, “and that would take care of that.” All chemical explosives require a fuel and an oxidizer. Ammonium nitrate provides both, intimately associated in each molecule.