
Can AirWatch take screenshots?

Can AirWatch take screenshots?

AirWatch isn’t out to capture your pictures, personal messages and Internet history to sell to the highest bidder. AirWatch doesn’t care, and frankly, neither does your company. AirWatch is all about securing corporate owned data that is allowed to be stored/used on your personal device.

How do I check my AirWatch logs?

In the CMD window, type adb logcat –v long > androidlog. txt. On the Android device, recreate whatever error you are trying to log.

How do I register my Android phone on workspace one?

Enrolling into Android Work Profile Mode

  1. Download the Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub.
  2. Launch the Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub.
  3. Enter the Server URL.
  4. Enter the Group ID for Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub.
  5. Enter User Credentials.
  6. Accept Privacy Statement.
  7. Accept Data Sharing Statement.
  8. Accept the Terms and Conditions.

Can AirWatch agent see browsing history?

Next, we conducted design reviews with AirWatch employees. We also found that most users are only interested in the “Big Four”: browsing history, text messages, pictures and personal email. It was very important to inform users that AirWatch could not monitor any of these.

How to add a user to AirWatch console?

After adding users in the AirWatch Console, users will receive an email that invites them to enroll their device. The link will direct them to download and install steps specific to their devices. For example, if the user has an Android or Chromebook device, the link will direct users to the Google Play store.

What do you need to know about the AirWatch?

In a corporate owned device program, you either agree or you don’t get a device. AirWatch isn’t out to capture your pictures, personal messages and Internet history to sell to the highest bidder. AirWatch doesn’t care, and frankly, neither does your company.

How long does it take to install AirWatch in VMware?

The approximate time it will take to go through all the modules is around 2.5 hours. Module 1 – Introduction to Workspace ONE UEM (30 minutes) (Basic) Introduction to AirWatch Admin Console and how to enroll a device to AirWatch EMM.

How to generate a new certificate in AirWatch?

In the AirWatch Console, go to Groups & Settings > All Settings > Devices & Users > Apple > APNs For MDM Click the blue Generate New Certificate button and follow the instructions to complete the process. Near the top right-hand corner of the web page, click the Add drop-down menu and choose User
