Can I take the Oklahoma real estate exam online?
Can I take the Oklahoma real estate exam online?
Oklahoma Real Estate Education has offered quality online real estate education since 2013 to Oklahoma real estate license applicants and to existing real estate licensees for upcoming license renewals. We offer instructor supported courses that are efficient and convenient for you to complete online.
How hard is the Oklahoma real estate test?
The Oklahoma Real Estate Salesperson Exam is one of the hardest state test to pass in the United States. We have compiled this simple exam cram book that quickly and easily prepares you to take your state licensing exam and pass it on the 1st try with the PSI exam.
How many questions is the Oklahoma real estate exam?
130 questions
How many questions are on the Oklahoma real estate exam? The real estate exam consists of 130 questions for provisional sales associates and sales associates.
How long do you have to take the Oklahoma real estate exam?
three years
Oklahoma Real Estate Exam Requirements Visit the OREC website for more detailed information from the Oklahoma Real Estate Commission. Students have three years to pass the state exam from the time they complete either the Salesperson or Broker licensing courses.
What you should know before becoming a realtor?
Before becoming a realtor, know that requirements vary from place to place. However, all states mandate that candidates have a high school diploma and be 18 or 19 years of age. To perform real estate duties, the person must complete state-approved courses and pass an examination to earn their license.
How to become an appraiser in Oklahoma?
Meet the Basic Requirement: No college level education is needed.
How to become an Oklahoma real estate broker?
Meet Oklahoma real estate license requirements as outlined on the Oklahoma Real Estate Commission website: Be at least 18 years old Must be of good moral character