
What is the COPM assessment?

What is the COPM assessment?

The COPM is an outcome measure designed for use by occupational therapists to assess client outcomes in the areas of self-care, productivity and leisure. Using a semi-structured interview, the COPM is a five step process which measures individual, client-identified problem areas in daily function.

What is the CMOP-E used for?

CMOP-E aims to promote client-centred practice and the profession’s view that occupation is the core domain of concern. Application of the model enables optimal function of the occupational therapist within a multidisciplinary team and therefore strengthens the role of occupational therapy.

What is effective in CMOP-E?

The CMOP-E includes three main components: person, environment, and occupation. The interaction between the person, environment and occupation results in occupational performance, which is the ability of a person to perform occupations and daily engagements.

What’s the difference between the CMOP and CMOP-E?

When compared to the CMOP, the CMOP-E goes beyond occupational performance to cover the concept of the occupational engagement. This expansion is related to how this model can be used to enable clients to choose and perform their meaningful occupation in their environment.

Where are the CMOP locations in South Carolina?

The Tucson CMOP was originally located in Los Angeles and the newest CMOP is located in North Charleston, South Carolina. The CMOP program fills continuation of therapy or refill prescriptions only along with non-medicine items that are on the United States Department of Veterans Affairs formulary master.

How does the occupational performance model influence CMOP-E?

The influence of the occupational performance model on CMOP-E is clear in its classification of the purpose of occupation into the three categories of self-care, productivity and leisure, although this definition of productivity could be seen as relatively broad in that it explicitly refers to the “social and economic fabric” of communities.

What does client centred practice mean In CMOP?

Detailed definitions of each of these client groups are provided on page 97 of Enabling Occupation II. Client-centred practice is also fundamental to CMOP-E. Townsend et al. (2007) commented that client-centred practice means “focusing on client goals and projected outcomes” (p.