What are flexion creases?
What are flexion creases?
Flexion creases (Figure 5.1) represent the location of firmer at- tachment of the skin to underlying structures. Flexion creases are formed during early intrauterine life and, therefore, they can be influenced by factors causing aberrant de- velopment of the embryo.
What does a crease in your thumb mean?
The most constant and easily differenciated is the thenar crease, due to the wide mobility of the carpo-metacarpal joint ofthe thumb. The central and hypothenar creases are the reflection of the mobility at the carpo- metacarpal joints of the ring and small fingers.
What is MCP flexion?
The metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joints are multiaxial condyloid joints capable of flexion, extension, and some lateral motion and circumduction. With about 70° of MCP joint flexion, the collateral ligaments become taut, stabilizing the finger for power pinch and grip.
How is abduction adducted at the MCP joints?
Abduction-adduction is possible with the MCP joints positioned in extension, but it is limited with the MCP joints in flexion because of tightening of the collateral ligaments. 2 A small amount of passive axial rotation has been reported at the MCP joints, 2, 3, 4 but this motion is not usually measured in the clinical setting.
What are the ligaments that support the MCP joint?
The ligamentous support of the MCP joint is composed of a main collateral ligament and an accessory collateral ligament arising eccentrically off the metacarpal head on the radial and ulnar sides of the joint.
Where does CMC flexion and extension occur in the hand?
From the anatomical position, CMC flexion and extension occur in a plane parallel to the palm of the hand (frontal plane) (see Fig. 5-5, A and B), whereas abduction and adduction occur in a plane positioned perpendicular to the palm (sagittal plane) (see Fig.
Are there any written works on MCP joint rehabilitation?
The elective procedure was offered to patients to enhance functional performance of the hand. There are limited written works on the rehabilitation for MCP joint and PIP joint capsulectomies. Laseter, , Gorman, and Saunders published the most thorough reviews of therapy after these procedures.