Users' questions

What is FNF Servicing?

What is FNF Servicing?

FNF Servicing, Inc. operates as a full service bank. The Bank accepts deposits, provides loans, and other services to the public. FNF Servicing serves customers in the State of Virginia.

Is SLS a mortgage company?

Yes. SLS LLC or Specialized Loan Servicing is a mortgage servicing company which collects on residential mortgages. Many consumers will receive a notice from SLS when they had originally had their mortgage held at Bank of America or even Country Wide.

How do I order a payoff from specialized loan servicing?

How do I get a payoff statement for my mortgage?

  1. Request online by logging into your account​ and request a payoff quote.
  2. Fax your request to us at 1-720-241-7218.
  3. Make your request via mail by writing to us at: Specialized Loan Servicing LLC. P.O. Box 636005.
  4. Call our Customer Care Center at 1-800-315-4757​

Why did I get a check from LoanCare?

Typically, when you take out a mortgage, your lender requires you escrow your taxes and insurance. This means that you pay money toward these annual expenses when you make your monthly principal and interest payments. If your escrow account contains excess funds, then you receive an escrow refund check.

How much have we serviced in mortgage notes?

In the past 35 years, we’ve serviced over $2 Billion in private mortgage notes, just like yours. They aren’t all cookie-cutter, either. If it’s been funded, we’ve seen it. And … we do it right. We’ve gone through numerous State and Federal audits and come through with shining colors. Our core customer.

Do you need a servicing service for a private mortgage?

Professional, fully compliant loan servicing for private mortgage investors. Avoid the aggravation of servicing your own loans. You didn’t invest in a private mortgage loan so you could be consumed by paperwork, compliance issues or the daily hassle of dealing with borrower payments, emails, and phone calls.

When is servicing of your mortgage loans outsourced to loancare?

When servicing of your mortgage loans is outsourced to LoanCare, we become an extension of your servicing operations and borrowers see the quality of the servicing they receive as a reflection of you.

Who is responsible for servicing your home loan?

Homeownership is an exciting journey, and we’re here to serve as your personal guide. It’s our mission to keep you on the right path, step by step, month by month, throughout the life of your home loan. If you’ve been notified that Vol Servicing is responsible for servicing your home loan, welcome aboard!