Users' questions

Where do boat people come from Australia?

Where do boat people come from Australia?

Afghanis and Iraqis are highly significant to Australia, both because they are among the top three source countries for “boat people” (Iran being the third) and because Australian troops have been engaged in the very wars that triggered these refugee flows.

What is Australia’s policy in regards to boat people?

All unlawful non-citizens in Australia must be detained and, unless they are granted permission to remain in the country (through the grant of a visa), they must be removed as soon as practicable. This policy was set into legislation through the Migration Reform Act 1992.

Are boat people still arriving in Australia?

While the number of boat arrivals has risen substantially in recent years, it is worth noting that even in high arrival years they still comprise just over half of onshore asylum seekers in Australia and a greater proportion of those arriving by boat are recognised as refugees.

How many people arrive to Australia by boat?

– ‘Since December 2013, 25 boats carrying 698 people have tried to reach Australia’—P Dutton (Minister for Immigration and Border Protection), Boats stopped—threats constant, media release, 18 March 2016.

When did the first boat people arrive in Australia?

It can do so again. Vietnamese Boat People Memorial, Brisbane. In late April 1976, a small fishing boat carrying five young Vietnamese refugees sailed into Darwin harbor. Although representing the arrival of Australia’s first “boat people,” the Kein Giang ’s landing on Australian shores barely made the newspaper.

How many refugees have come to Australia by boat?

Today, it’s less than 10 per cent. We know that the vast majority of people who have come to Australia by boat have been found to be refugees – people who have a well-founded fear of persecution or who otherwise face a real risk of significant harm in their homelands.

Why are boat people an issue in Australia?

In the case of Australia, concerns over ‘unauthorised’ boat arrivals or ‘boat people’ (also referred to as ‘irregular maritime arrivals’) have occupied successive governments since the 1970s.

When did the phrase’boat people’come about?

With the arrival of Vietnamese asylum seekers in the 1970s, the phrase “boat people” entered the national lexicon and a spotlight was shone on people fleeing their homes due to persecution. Up until now migration, including the humanitarian (refugee) component, had largely been controlled centrally by the Department of Immigration.