Is a 1911 better than a Glock?
Is a 1911 better than a Glock?
It is simpler to use than the 1911, and once the trigger is mastered, is just as accurate in combat. Glocks can fire tens of thousands of rounds without malfunction or damage, and are more corrosion-resistant than the 1911. It is also less expensive, on average, than the 1911, and fits small-statured shooters better.
Are 1911 handguns good?
Modern pistol designs have made the 1911 obsolete in its role as a combat sidearm. It’s finicky and demands constant attention that a warfighter can’t afford to offer. But when it’s tuned and running well, it’s the most accurate pistol out there. Warnings aside, the pistol’s appeal is strong and romantic.
Why are 1911’s so expensive?
Why Some 1911 Handguns Are So Expensive Ultimately, some competition-driven modifications found their way to carry guns. Due to poor quality control and the use of less-than-ideal materials and parts, these bargain guns gave 1911s a bad reputation. This pushed consumers to high-end variants and to custom gunsmiths.
Who makes the most reliable 9mm 1911?
Springfield Armory Warren Tactical model and Wilson imho make the two most reliable 9mm 1911s. Night Of the Thermal Hunt – What’s in Your Bag? WC145 Every day is Saturday and every night’s a party!
What is the best Kimber 1911 9mm?
a prime example of a compact 1911 in 9mm.
What is the best 1911 gun?
9mm is the best caliber for the 1911. The 1911 is probably the most iconic handgun design ever. No pistol in history has done more – from battlefield to CCW to every single flavor of competition, there are 1911s. It’s just a great gun.
Who makes the best looking 1911?
Wilson Combat is well known for making some of the finest 1911s in the industry…and some of the finest 1911 magazines as well. Their Elite Tactical 1911 magazines feature a polymer, non-tilt follower that supports each individual round being fed to prevent double feeds and nose dives.