
Where is etc apache2 sites enabled?

Where is etc apache2 sites enabled?

By default on Ubuntu systems, Apache Virtual Hosts configuration files are stored in /etc/apache2/sites-available directory and can be enabled by creating symbolic links to the /etc/apache2/sites-enabled directory.

What is apache2 enabled?

sites-enabled: like mods-enabled, sites-enabled contains symlinks to the /etc/apache2/sites-available directory. Similarly when a configuration file in sites-available is symlinked, the site configured by it will be active once Apache2 is restarted.

What sites are apache2?

The /etc/apache2/sites-available directory holds configuration files for Apache Virtual Hosts. Virtual Hosts allow Apache to be configured for multiple sites that have separate configurations.

What is etc apache2 sites enabled 000 default conf?

In Apache on Ubuntu, all the virtual host configuration files are stored under /etc/apache2/sites-available directory. With the new Apache installation you can find a default virtual host file called 000-default. conf there. We will create a new virtual host configuration file by copying 000-default.

Where is the sites-enabled directory in Apache?

sites-enabled directory. The /etc/apache2/sites-enabled directory contains symlinks to the /etc/apache2/sites-available directory. When a configuration file in sites-available is symlinked, the site configured by it will be active once Apache is restarted.

How to enable or disable a site in Apache2?

It does this by creating symlinks within /etc/apache2/sites-enabled . Likewise, a2dissite disables a site by removing those symlinks. It is not an error to enable a site which is already enabled, or to disable one which is already disabled.

How to enable Apache virtual host with sites available?

If you use the sites-available and sites-enabled directories in Apache’s /etc/apache2/ directory, here’s how to get the files properly booted in. Go to the /etc/apache2/sites-available directory and create a new file.

Why is Apache site config file 000-default.conf disabled?

When a change to any configuration file is made, Apache has to be restarted. Apache caches configurations in memory and changes will not be seen until it is restarted. On rare occasions, a restart does not work as expected.