
When did PewDiePie hit 10 subs?

When did PewDiePie hit 10 subs?

9 July 2013
In July 2013, he overtook Jenna Marbles to become the second most-subscribed YouTube user, and reached 10 million subscribers on 9 July 2013.

What is the best PewDiePie Minecraft episode?

Top 10 PewDiePie Minecraft moments so far

  • PewDiePie’s ’96 million Pig Army’ (Timestamp of 11:27 for mobile viewers.)
  • Constructing a giant Swedish meatball.
  • 12-hour Minecraft stream.
  • Pewds fights himself.
  • When PewDiePie first met Sven.
  • The Death of Joergen.
  • Overthrowing the Council of Watersheep.
  • The Ender Dragon.

What episode Sven die?

Most people theorize Sven died in Part 9 after the boat broke with him on it, seemingly drowning him, and PewDiePie stopped the video and replaced Sven before letting the episode continue.

Which is the best moment in Minecraft for PewDiePie?

After this episode, Sven accompanied the YouTuber on many trips and become a loyal friend of him. Therefore, the first day when Pewds met Sven is one of the best moments in PewDiePie’s Minecraft series. 5. The Horse Joergen’s Death

When is PewDiePie going to come back to YouTube?

Popular YouTuber PewDiePie has come back to his fans with his new Minecraft videos on June 21. Recently, the star streamer announced to left YouTube and streaming world in 2020. It would be bad news for Pewds’s fans.

What was the name of PewDiePie’s dog in Minecraft?

When Pewds got the pet, he named the dog Sven and took the pet with him in his adventure fort treasure. After this episode, Sven accompanied the YouTuber on many trips and become a loyal friend of him. Therefore, the first day when Pewds met Sven is one of the best moments in PewDiePie’s Minecraft series.

How did PewDiePie turn his pigs into zombies?

In part 25 of the Minecraft Series, PewDiePie revealed a diabolical plan of turning his 96 million pigs into Zombie Pigmen. He would use this pig army in his battle with the Wither. In this episode, Pew called lightning in the thunderstorm with the channeling enchantment on his trident and turned his pigs into zombies.