What are slums Apush?
What are slums Apush?
Slums. Increasing in number by the 1900s, immensely crowded, unsanitary, dumbell tenement that provided minimal ventilation and were not very spacious, became known as lung blocks. Flophouses. place where homeless could sleep on verminous mattresses for a few cents.
What is a conservationist Apush?
Conservation. Movement in America to begin preserving natural resources and stop the rapid destruction of these resources and land. initiative. the process of petitioning a legislature to introduce a bill. It was part of the Populist Party’s platform in 1891, along with referendum and recall.
What is a demagogue Apush?
Demagogue. A politician who arouses fervor by appealing to the lowest emotions of a mass audience, such as fear, hatred, and greed.
What is a Turnpike Apush?
Turnpikes (Chapter 9) A toll road, especially an expressway with tollgates. They were built by localities, states and private companies. Turnpikes were expensive, therefor “shunpikes” or detour roads were build to avoid paying toll fees.
What was the American pageant in APUSH Chapter 25?
APUSH Chapter 25. American Pageant. dumbbell tenements. a new form of housing that was developed in the early 1900’s it was designed as a dumbbell and had more apartments for more families and shared restrooms. these tenements were fire hazards, waste and disease.
What are the most important events in APUSH history?
APUSH Timeline of Important Events 1492-1650 Early Colonization Period Independence 1750 – 1781 Pre-Civil War, Civil War, Reconstruction 1845-1877
What do you mean by dumbbell tenements in APUSH?
Created by MissCellaneous American Pageant Terms in this set (20) dumbbell tenements a new form of housing that was developed in the early 1900’s it was designed as a dumbbell and had more apartments for more families and shared restrooms. these tenements were fire hazards, waste and disease.
What was a new form of housing developed in the early 1900’s?
a new form of housing that was developed in the early 1900’s it was designed as a dumbbell and had more apartments for more families and shared restrooms. these tenements were fire hazards, waste and disease. Click again to see term ? Tap again to see term ? new immigrants Click card to see definition ? Tap card to see definition ?