How do you bridge to cadettes?
How do you bridge to cadettes?
To earn the Bridge to Girl Scout Cadette Award, complete one bridging activity from each of the two bridging steps: Pass It On! and Look Ahead! These steps will help girls pass down something they have learned to a younger Girl Scout and look forward to what is waiting at the next level. Bridging Step One: Pass It On!
How do you do a virtual bridging ceremony?
Activity Tips for a Virtual Bridge Ceremony
- Write letters to a younger troop sharing the fun and exciting things they can do once they bridge to your program level.
- Have a virtual talent show highlighting your accomplishments of the past year.
What happens at a bridging ceremony?
The girls plan the ceremony—they pick any readings, poems, or songs that they want to say or sing. The girls cross the bridge and if they are [bridging to the next level], they get their new uniform right there. As with other Girl Scout activities, a bridging ceremony doesn’t need to be perfect.
Is there a bridging ceremony for Girl Scouts?
But it’s hard to find a ceremony that celebrates this time of bridging to Senior Girl Scouts from Cadettes. This bridging ceremony was adapted from an old Studio 2B bridging ceremony. Advisor: This evening we celebrate your advancement in Girl Scouting.
How to earn the bridge to Girl Scout Cadette Award?
Bridge to Girl Scout Cadette Award To earn the Bridge to Girl Scout Cadette Award, complete two bridging steps. These steps will help you pass down something you learned to a younger Girl Scout and look forward to what’s waiting for you at the next level. Bridging Step One: Pass It On
What should I do at the Cadette ceremony?
#4 Cadette Girl Scouting is the time to begin combining our Girl Scout life with our personal life. We’ll try some high-adventure things. Plan trips. Explore careers. Volunteer for something. It’s the best of both worlds.
What is bridging ceremony and who is it for?
What is “bridging” and who is it for? For girls who are already Girl Scouts, a “bridging” (or bridging ceremony) is a ceremony honoring and celebrating their graduation to the next Girl Scout level. Think Daisy to Brownie, Brownie to Junior, Junior to Cadette, Cadette to Senior, Senior to Ambassador, and even Ambassador to Adult!