
How do I update my NHS details?

How do I update my NHS details?

If these details are incorrect or out of date, contact your GP surgery and ask them to update your details. They will then update your NHS record. Any changes made there will appear in the NHS App. You can use someone else’s phone or tablet to set up your NHS login.

Do you have an NHS number in Scotland?

The COMMUNITY HEALTH INDEX NUMBER (CHI NUMBER) uniquely identifies a PATIENT on the Community Health Index (Scotland) within the NHS in Scotland. It is the equivalent of the NHS NUMBER in England and Wales.

Where can I find information on the NeLH?

Under Resources on the NeLH home page, there are separate portals for collected resources linked by major headings such as disease sites, for various health professionals including nurses and physicians, and for general references such as medical dictionaries. All of these resources are easily navigable.

Where can I find the national electronic library for health?

A pilot version of the NeLH, a web-based information library for health professionals and the public, is available at, or at for users of NHSnet. In any health service, it is essential that all professionals have access to the best current knowledge available.

Do you need an NHS number to register with a GP?

Anyone in England can register with a GP surgery. You do not need proof of address or immigration status, ID or an NHS number. You might be able to register with a GP surgery that’s not in the area you live. Find out about registering with a GP surgery out of your area Find a GP that suits what you need.

What are the basic principles of the NeLH?

The NeLH has four basic principles: To concentrate on the quality of knowledge and not the quantity of information. To be concerned with both knowledge and the skills to manage and apply that knowledge. To be open equally to patients, clinicians, the public and managers. To create and sustain a community of users.