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What do you understand by magnetomotive force?

What do you understand by magnetomotive force?

Magnetomotive force, also known as magnetic potential, is the property of certain substances or phenomena that gives rise to magnetic field s. Magnetomotive force is analogous to electromotive force or voltage in electricity. The Sun also generates magnetomotive forces, particularly in the vicinity of sunspots.

What is magnetomotive force in magnetic circuit?

Definition: The current flowing in an electric circuit is due to the existence of electromotive force similarly magnetomotive force (MMF) is required to drive the magnetic flux in the magnetic circuit. • The magnetic pressure, which sets up the magnetic flux in a magnetic circuit is called Magnetomotive Force.

What is magnetomotive force what is its unit?

The unit of magnetomotive force is the ampere-turn, represented by a steady, direct electric current of one ampere flowing in a single-turn loop of electrically conducting material in a vacuum. Magnetomotive force is the force that sets up a magnetic field within and around an object.

What is magnetomotive force formula?

Magnetomotive force (mmf), Fm = NI ampere-turns (At), where N = number of conductors (or turns) and I = current in amperes. Since ‘turns’ has no units, the SI unit of mmf is the ampere, but to avoid any possible confusion ‘ampere-turns’, (A t) are used in this chapter. Hence, mmf = NI = Hl At.

What is the definition of the magnetomotive force?

As per work law, the MMF is defined as the work done in moving the unit magnetic pole (1weber) once around the magnetic circuit. The MMF is also known as the magnetic potential. It is the property of a material to give rise to the magnetic field. The magnetomotive force is the product of the magnetic flux and the magnetic reluctance.

How is the magnetomotive force ( MMF ) measured?

Visuals and equations feature MMF, typically measured in “ampere-turns” which consist of a single amp conveyed in a single-turn loop in a vacuum. Scientists may also use other nomenclature such as a “gilbert” (G) to observe MMF.

What is the SI unit for magnetic force?

The magnetic pressure, which sets up the magnetic flux in a magnetic circuit is called Magnetomotive Force. The SI unit of MMF is Ampere-turn (AT), and their CGS unit is G (gilbert). The MMF for the inductive coil shown in the figure below is expressed as.

How is the magnetic potential ( MMF ) defined?

As per work law, the MMF is defined as the work done in moving the unit magnetic pole (1weber) once around the magnetic circuit. The MMF is also known as the magnetic potential.