What is sensitivity in metrology?
What is sensitivity in metrology?
Sensitivity may be defined as the rate of displacement of the indicating device of an instrument, with respect to the measured quantity. In other words, sensitivity of an instrument is the ratio of the scale spacing to the scale division value.
What is sensitivity in mechanical?
The mechanical sensitivity is defined as the ratio of the change in resistance of the machine-specimen array to that of the specimen alone.
What is sensitivity of a device?
The sensitivity of an electronic device, such as a communications system receiver, or detection device, such as a PIN diode, is the minimum magnitude of input signal required to produce a specified output signal having a specified signal-to-noise ratio, or other specified criteria.
What is accuracy and sensitivity?
Accuracy is the proportion of true results, either true positive or true negative, in a population. It measures the degree of veracity of a diagnostic test on a condition. The numerical values of sensitivity represents the probability of a diagnostic test identifies patients who do in fact have the disease.
How is the sensitivity of a measurement determined?
Sensitivity is an absolute quantity, the smallest absolute amount of change that can be detected by a measurement. Consider a measurement device that has a ±1.0 volt input range and ±4 counts of noise, if the A/D converter resolution is 212 the peak-to-peak sensitivity will be ±4 counts x (2 ÷ 4096) or ±1.9mV p-p.
What is measurment instrument or gage’sensitivity’?
Resolution is the smallest increment that can be read from the instrument under test and sensitivity is the smallest amount applied that can change the reading resolution by its least significant digit. Re: Resolution and Sensitivity – What is measurment instrument or gage ‘Sensitivity’?
What is the definition of calibration in metrology?
These definitions of metrology terms also give you a good overview of the work involved in this field. Calibration is a comparison of two measurement devices or systems, one of known uncertainty (standard) and one of unknown uncertainty (your test equipment or instrument).
What does accuracy, precision, resolution and sensitivity mean?
Instrument manufacturers usually supply specifications for their equipment that define its accuracy, precision, resolution and sensitivity. Unfortunately, not all of these specifications are uniform from one to another or expressed in the same terms.