What were European explorers looking for in the 1400s?
What were European explorers looking for in the 1400s?
European leaders like Spain’s King Ferdinand and the Portuguese prince known as Henry the Navigator financed explorers who wanted to travel across the seas. Along with the idea of looking for new trade routes, they also hoped to find new sources of gold, silver, and other valuables.
Where did Europeans explore in the 1400s?
By the 1400s, European merchants—as well as the new monarchs of England, Spain, Portugal, and France—sought to bypass the Italian merchants. This meant finding a sea route directly to Asia. Europeans to explore.
What goods did the Explorers take to Europe?
They brought European crops such as barley and rye. They brought wheat, which was originally from the Middle East . They brought plants that had originally come from Asia, including sugar, bananas, yams, citrus fruit, coffee, rice, and sugarcane.
What were the 4 main reasons for European exploration?
Terms in this set (4) Some key motives for Europeans during the Age of Exploration was they wanted to find a new sea route to Asia, they wanted knowledge, they wanted to spread Christianity, they wanted wealth and glory, and they wanted spices.
Why was the exploration of Europe so important?
For early explorers, one of the main motives for exploration was the desire to find new trade routes to Asia. By the 1400s, merchants and Crusaders had brought many goods to Europe from Africa, the Middle East, and Asia.
What did Europeans bring to Europe in the 1400s?
By the 1400s, merchants and Crusaders had brought many goods to Europe from Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. Demand for these goods increased the desire for trade. Europeans were especially interested in spices from Asia.
What did the explorers do in the 1400’s?
Explorers 1400-1700. Timeline created by facebooker_100001980893104. In History. Aug 1, 1492. Christopher Columbus Sales the Ocean Blue. Christopher Colobus tries to find a different route to China, but instead found the Carribean Islands. He tried to find many spices and gold, but there weren’t many.
How did Balboa’s discovery affect European exploration?
How did Balboa’s discovery affect European exploration? It encouraged explorers to seek a direct sea route to the Pacific and the East Indies. Which describes the main reason why European powers expanded their presence in Africa? Europeans outside Italy to search for direct access to Asia.