
Are loan sharks legal in UK?

Are loan sharks legal in UK?

A loan shark is someone who lends money without the correct authorisation from the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). It is a criminal offence to lend money without authorisation and can lead to a two year prison sentence and/or £5,000 fine.

What happens if you dont pay a loan shark?

Is it a crime not to repay a loan shark? Loan sharks sometimes frighten people by saying they’ll be prosecuted and even sent to prison if they don’t pay up. This can’t happen – not repaying a loan from an unlicensed lender isn’t a criminal offence.

Who is Kent Chang in my life as a loan shark?

Loan-shark king Kent Chang has always used underworld tactics to run his loan-shark business and employs improper methods to collect debts. Although his wife Maggie Siu has urged him to wash his hands of the business, he is unrepentant. As Kent operates his business and collects debts, he attracts the attention of detective Chris Lai.

Where can I find a licensed loan shark?

We have access to many online licensed loan sharks.Many people have problems finding a loan shark that is legitimate.So if you need a loan shark tonight fill up our application and get the cash you need ASAP. there are two different options when your looking for a loan shark a licensed loan shark and a illegal loan shark what are you looking for?

Who is Detective Lai in my life as loan shark?

As Kent operates his business and collects debts, he attracts the attention of detective Chris Lai. Chris, who is righteous and abhors evil, vows to fight against evil forces. One day, lightning strikes down from the sky and Kent is moved by the heavens.

When did the loan shark go to prison?

Almost 20 years later in 1978 he was charged and sentenced to six months in prison for illegal gambling and tax evasion and in the early 80s suffered a stroke shortly of his release from prison.