
What is wheelmark certification?

What is wheelmark certification?

The “Ships Wheel”, or “Wheelmark” as it is officially called, is an accreditation that is required for equipment placed on board ships for which safety certificates are issued by, or on behalf of, Member States of the European Union.

What is MED Certificate?

Medical Certificate – is a written statement from a DLSU physician or dentist who attests to the result of a medical or dental examination of a patient. It serves as a written proof of a patient’s health condition.

Who issue EC Type approval Certificate in india?

Module B – EC Type Examination: 1 of the MED. An “EC Type Examination Certificate” will be issued by IRS on successful completion of design assessment and testing. Testing carried out NABL accredited laboratories and not witnessed by IRS Surveyor may be considered with prior approval from IRS.

What is MED Module B?

Module B (EC-type examination) covers only the product’s design phase, and it specifies the need for third-party conformity assessment, i.e. notified body.

What do you need to know about wheel mark Certification?

WheelMark Certification – Marine Equipment – MED 96/98/EC. The mark which is affixed to products in compliance with the Marine Equipment Directive consists of a ships wheel together with the identification number of the Notified Body which carries out the production surveillance together with the last 2 digits of the year of manufacture.

What’s the difference between a CE mark and a wheel mark?

While most EC directives require products to carrying the “CE” mark, products certified under the Marine Equipment Directive carry the “wheel mark”. What is the Marine Equipment Directive (MED)? The MED sets out performance and testing standards to be met by marine equipment placed on board an EU ship.

When did the EU require wheelmark certification for ships?

Approval requirements are also harmonized which ensures certificates issued in one Member State are accepted by all States across the EU. The Directive applies to all ‘Community Registered Ships’ and is mandatory from January 1, 2001.

How are wheel marks used in marine equipment?

Ä WheelMark to Marine Equipment – Introduction The mark which is affixed to products in compliance with the Marine Equipment Directive consists of a ships wheel together with the identification number of the Notified Body which carries out the production surveillance together with the last 2 digits of the year of manufacture.