
What is the price of KDM 916 gold in Chennai today?

What is the price of KDM 916 gold in Chennai today?

Today Gold Rate in GRT Chennai 916 KDM

916 KDM Hallmark Gold Rate in GRT Chennai 1 Gram 8 Grams
916 KDM Hallmark Gold Rate Today in GRT Chennai ₹4,464 ₹35,712
916 KDM Hallmark Gold Rate Yesterday in GRT Chennai ₹4,469 ₹35,752
Today’s Price Change ₹-5 ₹-40

Is 22k and 916 gold same?

916 gold is nothing but 22 carat gold. 916 is basically used to denote the purity of gold in the final product, i.e. 91.6 grams of pure gold in 100 gram alloy. The figure 916 is basically 22/24 (22 carat by 24 carat). 916 gold is good for making intricate jewellery as pure gold is too soft.

What is the price of KDM 916?

Today Gold Rate in Bangalore 916 KDM

916 KDM Hallmark Gold Rate in Bangalore 1 Gram 10 Grams
916 KDM Hallmark Gold Rate Today in Bangalore ₹4,439 ₹44,390
916 KDM Hallmark Gold Rate Yesterday in Bangalore ₹4,434 ₹44,340
Today’s Price Change ₹5 ₹50

How much does 22 carat gold cost in Chennai?

Today Gold Rate in Chennai 22K 22 Carat Gold Rate in Chennai 1 Gram 8 Grams 10 Grams 22 Carat Gold Rate Today in Chennai ₹4,611 ₹36,888 ₹46,110 22 Carat Gold Rate Yesterday in Chennai ₹4,606 ₹36,848 ₹46,060 Today’s Price Change ₹ 5 ₹ 40 ₹ 50

What’s the current price of 24 karat gold?

Gold Price Trend in March 2021 Trend 24 Karat Gold (Rs/10gm) Rate on 01-March-2021 48,048.00 Rate on 31-March-2021 48,048.00 Highest Rate 48,048.00 Lowest Rate 48,048.00

Which is the best gold rate in Chennai?

Today Gold rate in Chennai is ₹4,539. The mentioned gold rate is the 22 Carat gold rate in Chennai. We all know the 22 Carat gold rate is also known as the 916 kdm gold rate.

What is the current price of gold in India?

In 2019, gold generated 24% return in Indian rupee terms, outperforming the returns clocked by the equity market. The price of 10 gram of gold ended at Rs.39.076 as on December 31, 2019. Listed below are some of the catalysts which predicts the gold rates to be up in 2020:
