What is meant by recant?
What is meant by recant?
transitive verb. 1 : to withdraw or repudiate (a statement or belief) formally and publicly : renounce. 2 : revoke.
Does recant mean back?
Frequency: To recant is to publicly take back something you said or to state that you no longer believe something in which you once believed. To make a formal retraction or disavowal of a previously held statement or belief. …
Why does recant mean?
Recant comes from two Latin roots: the prefix re-, meaning “back,” and the verb cantare, meaning “to sing.” It has been suggested that recant was first used when someone reversed a charm, curse, or some other type of magical spell that would have been chanted or sung.
Which is the correct definition of the word recant?
1 : to withdraw or repudiate (a statement or belief) formally and publicly : renounce 2 : revoke
Which is the best example of recanting a belief?
When you say that you no longer hold the religious beliefs you did in the past, this is an example of a situation where you recant. YourDictionary definition and usage example. Copyright © 2018 by LoveToKnow Corp “Recant.” YourDictionary. LoveToKnow. www.yourdictionary.com/RECANT. Recant. (n.d.). In YourDictionary.
How to use the word recent in a sentence?
use “recent” in a sentence. The children are still suffering greatly from the stress of their parents’ recent divorce. The weather had been really bad for quite a while, but recently it has started to warm up a bit. Howard’s wife has been ill recently, so I don’t think they’ll be able to come to the. party.
What are some examples of witnesses recanting their testimony?
Witnesses threatened to recant their testimony when the court released their names to the paper. Recent Examples on the Web Like other men convicted with Guevara’s help, Rivera walked free after the witness recanted and Cook County prosecutors dropped the case.