
What kind of engine does a Lycoming O-320 have?

What kind of engine does a Lycoming O-320 have?

LYCOMING OPERATOR’S MANUAL SECTION 1 O-320 SERIES DESCRIPTION SECTION 1 DESCRIPTION. The O-320 series are four cylinder, direct drive and, horizontally opposed, air cooled engines. In referring to the location of the various engine components, the parts are described in their relationship to the engine as installed in the airframe.

What’s the best fuel consumption for an O 360?

Best Fuel Consumption: 10.5 (Peak EGT) – 80% Max PowerGPH 11.7 (Best Power) 8.9 (Peak EGT) – 70% Max PowerGPH 9.9 (Best Power) 8.1 (Peak EGT) – 60% Max PowerGPH 8.9 (Best Power) Best BSFC: 0.43 (Peak EGT) – 80% Max PowerLb/Hp-hr 0.48 (Best Power) 0.41 (Peak EGT) – 70% Max PowerLb/Hp-hr 0.46 (Best Power) 0.44 (Peak EGT) – 60% Max PowerLb/Hp-hr

When to lean on Lycoming engine for best mileage?

For a given power setting, best economy mixture provides the most miles per gallon. Slowly lean the mixture until engine operation becomes rough or until engine power rapidly diminishes as noted by an undesirable decrease in airspeed.

Is the Lycoming 360 approved for MOGAS gas?

Yes, Lycoming approved automotive gasoline – “mogas” – on several 360 engine models – and we did not splash the news out in a press release. There are several reasons Lycoming refrained from the “end zone dance”:

Where can I find the Operators Manual for the Lycoming Io 320?

Visitus on theWorld Wide Webat: http://www.lycoming.textron.com LYCOMING OPERATOR’S MANUAL ATTENTION OWNERS, OPERATORS, AND MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL This operator’s manual contains a description of the engine, its specifications, and detailed information on how to operate and maintain it.

What is the part number for the Lycoming engine?

Lycoming Part Number: PC-203-3 ©2011 by Avco Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Lycoming and “Powered by Lycoming” are trademarks or registered trademarks of Lycoming. Lycoming Engines is a division of Avco Corporation All brand and product names referenced in this publication are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.

What does the Operators Manual on an IO-320 do?

This operator’s manual contains a description of the engine, its specifications, and detailed information on how to operate and maintain it. Such maintenance procedures that may be required in conjunction with periodic inspections are also included.
