
What would a Mass on the sternum be?

What would a Mass on the sternum be?

Chondrosarcoma is the most common tumour of the sternum, followed by osteosarcoma, myeloma and malignant lymphoma. Benign sternal tumours according to the Mayo Clinic were found in 0.1% of all benign bone tumours [2].

What does a tumor on sternum feel like?

Symptoms of Chest Wall Tumors Pain or soreness. Swelling. Impaired movement or chest expansion. Protrusion as with a lump.

What does a cancerous lump in chest feel like?

The way that lump feels can provide plenty of information. Breast cancer tumors are rigid with firm, angular edges. They feel more like rocks than grapes. “A tumor won’t be smooth like a cyst.

Can a lump on your chest be cancer?

Cancerous tumors are uncommon. Chest wall tumors, whether malignant (cancerous) or benign (non-cancerous), are classified as primary or secondary (metastatic). The most common benign tumors are osteochondromas and chrondromas. The most common malignant chest wall tumors are sarcomas.

What causes swollen sternum?

In some cases, inflammation and swelling of the sternum could actually be a result of infections spread through the bloodstream from distant sites in the body. Mumps is an example of an infection of the salivary glands that also causes sternal swelling.

What is above the sternum?

The top of the sternum is the manubrim, or handle. It is connected to the first two ribs and is not completely rigid. The body, also called the blade or gladiolus , is right in the middle of the sternum. It connects to the third through seventh ribs directly and the eighth through tenth ribs indirectly.

What is a knot below the sternum?

Symptoms of an epigastric hernia. An epigastric hernia usually causes a bump to occur in the area below your sternum, or breastbone, and above your belly button. This bump is caused by a mass of fat that has pushed through the hernia.

Why does the sternum stick out?

The common cause of your chest sticking out at the sternum is usually pectus carinatum.