Can you get geographic tongue from smoking?
Can you get geographic tongue from smoking?
Conclusions: Geographic tongue was more prevalent among Whites and Blacks compared with Mexican-Americans, positively associated with FT, and inversely associated with cigarette smoking.
Can your tongue indicate health problems?
That may sound strange, but your tongue can tell a lot about your health. For example, a black and hairy looking tongue can signal poor oral hygiene, or diabetes. If your tongue is bright red like a strawberry, it could signal a deficiency in folic acid, vitamin B12, or iron.
Is it normal to have grooves on the side of your tongue?
Share on Pinterest Those with scalloped tongue have indented, rippled, or scalloped edges along the sides of their tongue. A scalloped tongue can be the result of macroglossia, which is an inflammation or abnormal enlargement of the tongue. It can be a symptom of other conditions that do not enlarge the tongue.
Are there any medical conditions related to grooved tongue?
Click on the combination that matches your symptoms to find the conditions that may cause these problems. Or click on “See All Conditions” to see every condition related to grooved tongue. ©2005-2015 WebMD, LLC. All rights reserved.
What happens to your tongue when you smoke?
Tobacco pigment, food or mouth bacteria collect between the hair-like structures, causing a black or brown discoloration. Black hairy tongue is not harmful but it can be unsightly and contribute to bad breath. Leukoplakia and erythroplakia are patches that can develop anywhere in the mouth, including the tongue.
How does smoking affect the balance of keratin in the tongue?
This layer is normally shed at the same rate that it is produced. Chronic irritation, as occurs with smoking, can upset this balance, causing keratin to accumulate, particularly along the midline of the tongue. When the accumulation is not severe, the condition is called a coated tongue.
What causes a white coating on the tongue?
Leukoplakia and erythroplakia are patches that can develop anywhere in the mouth, including the tongue. Leukoplakia usually appears as a white patch that can’t be rubbed off, whereas erythroplakia appears as a flat or depressed bright red area that may bleed easily if scraped. What Causes a White Coating on the Tongue?