
Are locust pods toxic?

Are locust pods toxic?

All types of locust trees are members of the Fabaceae family or its subfamily Mimosaceae. While the leaves of the honey locust (Gleditsia triacanthos) are nontoxic to dogs, the leaves of the black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) are toxic to our canine companions.

Are honey locust pods poisonous?

The pulp on the inside of the pods is edible (unlike the black locust, which is toxic) and consumed by wildlife and livestock. Despite its name, the honey locust is not a significant honey plant.

Are honey locust pods edible for humans?

Their seed pods, if collected before they dry up in the fall, contain nice smelling goo. This goo is edible and has a sweet taste. The hard mature seeds are also edible and can be ground into a flour.

What does a locust pod look like?

Honey Locust Pods Its pods are flat and shaped like a strap. Lime color in the summer and and reddish-brown in the fall, the pods are 12 to 18 inches long and contain 12 to 14 seeds. The pods are eaten by many animals, including deer, cattle, squirrels, rabbits and birds.

What do black locust seed pods look like?

Flowering blooms lead to 3-4 inch brown seed pods which look like dried, flat pea pods containing 4-8 seeds; pods persist through the winter. With an extremely durable, impermeable outer coating, seeds last for years in the seed bank. Black locust seeds. Black locust seed pods. Photo by L. Wallis.

What’s the difference between a male and female locust tree?

In male trees, the flowers form in dense clusters, while female flowers are more loosely arranged. They have a very strong scent. The seed pods of this tree contain a sweet pulp that is edible, unlike the pods of the black locust tree, which are toxic and should not be consumed.

What are the flowers of a honey locust tree?

The flowers of the honey locust tree are petite and pale green. In male trees, the flowers form in dense clusters, while female flowers are more loosely arranged. They have a very strong scent. The seed pods of this tree contain a sweet pulp that is edible, unlike the pods of the black locust tree, which are toxic and should not be consumed.

How long does it take for a locust to become an adult?

After about 10 days young locusts, called nymphs, emerge. They look like a smaller version of the adult but without wings, just wing buds. As the nymphs grow they shed their skin or moult. After the fifth moult they are mature adults with fully formed wings and sexual organs.