Why did Gujarat earthquake happen? The principal faults are the east-trending Kachchh Mainland Gedi fault and the Allah Bund Fault. The epicenter of the Gujarat
Which of the following is an oral hypoglycemic? There are now four classes of hypoglycemic drugs: Sulfonylureas. Metformin. Thiazolidinediones. What is oral hypoglycemia? Oral hypoglycemics
What is the difference between correlation and regression analysis? The main difference in correlation vs regression is that the measures of the degree of a
How did Stalin use industrialization? From 1928 Stalin began a state-run programme of rapid industrialisation. Factories were built, transport networks developed and workers encouraged, even
Was verdient ein Referendar netto? Im Durchschnitt bleibt bei einer Besoldung von rund 1.000 Euro zirka 850 Euro netto übrig. Was verdient ein Lehrer in
What are the slope and y intercept in the graph of stopping? Explanation: Using conservation of energy, in such a condition, Energy(by source,cell,etc) is equal
What is the brush border membrane? The brush border membrane, consisting of the micro- villous border and glycocalyx, appears to constitute a part of the
What are the factors affecting quality of life? In 1997, Saxena and Orley [19] identified factors comprising an individual’s quality of life, based on the