Quais os atores da Escolinha do Professor Raimundo já morreram? O ator, humorista e dublador Orlando Drummond, que ficou famoso pelo personagem “Seu Peru”, da
What is the difference between spilling and surging breakers? Surging breakers rush up a very steep beach without dissipating much energy in the beach layer
What is provision of public goods and services? Public goods are those goods and services provided by the government because a market failure has occurred
What are the predators of the moray eel? Grouper, barracuda, sharks, and humans are common predators of moray eels. However, moray eels and grouper have
What are the things next to traffic lights? Another type of “camera” seen at some traffic-light controlled intersections is a long, white cylindrical device. Those
What is Merkle Damgard scheme? In cryptography, the Merkle–Damgård construction or Merkle–Damgård hash function is a method of building collision-resistant cryptographic hash functions from collision-resistant
Apa fungsi sosial dari penjelasan teks? Fungsi sosial teks eksplanasi, yaitu memberikan info dalam bentuk penjelasan tentang kejadian yang terjadi di sekitar kita tanpa adanya