Does ALS have flare ups? ALS has a rapid and consistently worsening onset that’s painless. Progressive muscle weakness is the most common symptom. Issues with
How can I get a PenPal online? Here are ten websites you can join to find your pen pal: InterPals. Global Penfriends. Conversation Exchange. HelloTalk.
What is the name IMDb? Internet Movie Database IMDb (an acronym for Internet Movie Database) is an online database of information related to films, television
What movies were nominated for best picture in 2001? The films nominated for that coveted award at the 73rd ceremony were: Erin Brockovich, Gladiator, Traffic,
Why Leonardo da Vinci was known as the ultimate Renaissance man? His natural genius crossed so many disciplines that he epitomized the term “Renaissance man.”
Are African jerboa endangered? Jerboa inhabits cold and hot deserts of Asia (Mongolia and China) and North Africa. Jerboas are mostly threatened by habitat loss
What shiny Legendaries can you get in Oras? Serebii says that (probably) the only shiny locked legendaries in ORAS are Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza and Deoxys.
What is there in Antarctica geological history? The geology of Antarctica is very varied; fossiliferous sedimentary rocks, lava and deep magmatic rocks, a wide range